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"Aish!" Taehyung curses under his breath as he watches his car get towed away without any wheels. Just his luck; goes to a meeting about future books he'll be writing which was supposed to last about 20 minutes until he finds out "one of the managers weren't there yet," so he had to stay until then.

And when he comes out to finally go home, he finds his car without any wheels.

What the hell am I supposed to do? He questions angrily, hand on his waist as the other scratches his head aggressively.

"Sir," Taehyung turns around to be met with a boy who looks like he was in his adolescent years. Taehyung raises his eyebrows, wondering if the kid was some boy scout 'brownie' trying to sell him something.

He must have saw the older males clothing and knew he had money on him. Taehyung scoffs at this, "Look kid, I don't want any cookies. I'm just trying to get home."

The preteen furrows his eyebrow. "Does it look like I'm selling anything?"

Taehyung was taken aback at his informality, sputtering out nonsense. The kid sighs and shakes his head. "I saw your car get towed away and wanted to offer you my subway pass to get you home."

The silver-haired male's ears perk up at this. The subway? There was no way he would allow himself to be caught seen riding one of those tacky and unhygienic transportations to get him home.

Who does this kid think he takes him as. The Kim Taehyung. Taehyung tuts, looking away with a cheap smirk--excuse me, a rich smirk--on his face as he rather wait all night in that same spot until his roommate picks him up than ride a subway.

He finds this whole situation humorous, chuckling once, then twice. The kid looks around, regretting his decision to walk up to this strange male in an act of kindness, now finding the elder even stranger for laughing at nothing.

"Hey!" The teenager snaps his head toward Taehyung who was now staring at him, his gaze dark; making the younger gulp in nervousness.

Taehyung clicks his tongue in annoyance, rubbing his temples. Why, why, why me?! He groans inside his head, glancing toward the kid who was still standing there waiting for his hyung to start talking.

"I'll take that pass, if you don't mind."


Taehyung tried to look on the bright side of things as he stands to wait for the subway to pull up so he could just get home; He had a good breakfast this morning, though it was interrupted by a call from his manager explaining that he had to get to the meeting quickly...

...Um, he didn't mind it as much because he got to have his morning coffee...that was spilled on him by someone in a rush to get to their designation, making Taehyung go back home to change into a new shirt.

--Skipping to this afternoon, he became acquainted with a young boy who was willing to lend him his subway pass to get home...though when he accepted the offer, the kid made a new one; which was to pay him 20 bucks and then he'd give it to Taehyung.

A complete scammer.

Taehyung lets out a deep breath, eyelids hooded with exhaustion as he reaches his hand up to rub at his eyes.

Today was definitely not one of his best days, but that's okay because it just meant that there would be better days that came after this.

Once he gets home, he'll take off his shoes, take a bath, do his nightly routine, maybe watch a few episodes of his favorite kdrama, and then go to sleep.

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