Thirty Six

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Rae stands up from the couch. She yawns as she checks her phone for the time. It was already two in the morning. She looks at everyone to diagnose their state; Jimin had like nine glasses of wine, but was still kicking; eyes trained of Jeongguk. Jeongguk was babbling nonsense at around four shots of Soju and is knocked out on the couch, one leg off and one leg on. His dog laying guard beneath him. Her cloudy gaze goes over to Taehyung, the male residing next to her throughout the whole night. He drank about two-thirds of red wine.

He's still okay, not too much of a heavy drinker if something isn't upsetting him. She tugs his shoulder, adverting his eyes away from the TV (one of those paid ads that come on at around this time of day) and onto her. He stands up along with Rae and she guides him to her room. Jimin follows their movements from the sofa. Rae tells Jimin that they're going to bed, asks him if he'll be alright? The brunet nods, bidding them a goodnight and a 'sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.'

They stumble into Rae's room (Rae did most of the stumbling, Taehyung trying to steady her with his large hands around her waist and following her disarray footsteps), laughing at her own clumsiness. He quickly closes the door behind them as she pulls him to her bed.

Rae (un)gracefully falls into the sheets, beckoning Taehyung with a finger. He sighs as he takes in her appearance, surprisingly smiling at the boisterous female. He takes off his shoes and crawls into the bed beside her. He turns onto his back, head turning toward her as she does the same. Her short brown hair sprawled across the pillow supporting her head, a goofy grin sporting her lips as she stares at him; feeling jubilant and euphoric.

The smell of peaches was stronger now, body subconsciously leaning into hers. He closes his eyes, the smell plunging into his airway; engulfing his lungs. Before he can express how good it smells, how good she smells; she does it for him. Tells him that she always gets a whiff of vanilla and freshly baked bread whenever she's around him. A familiar scent she just can't define where she's smelled before, but it doesn't matter; informing Taehyung that it was his smell now, that the next time she smells it elsewhere it'll remind her of him. And it's the same way for him.

He whispers; tells her that she was his world. Maybe it's the alcohol that was making him bold again, the alcohol that makes his face a little warmer than normal as she peers at him. She gets up from beside him. His eyes widen, scared that he had said something wrong--that he wasn't supposed to say that because she doesn't feel the same way...What was she suppose to feel? What exactly does he feel toward her?

She shifts, throwing a leg over his torso. Her slender fingers fall onto his chest. She stays still for a moment, letting her fast past settle back into the sereneness of her quiet apartment. She drowns out the faint noise of passing cars, the warm orange glow from streetlights outside her window, and the bustling night life of the city.

"I see galaxies in your eyes." Her words feel like cotton in his ears; eyes bleary and gaze focused on only her above him.

Her weight pushes him further into the mattress, his long legs shift around behind her. He stations his hand in the juncture of her hip, fingertips warily rubbing against the fabric of her shorts; cautious, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

"What's a world to a universe?" Her words don't come out rough, or cynical. She's just genuinely curious to know.

Taehyung stays quiet, keeping his brown eyes on hers to keep himself anchored to the real word. His breathing pacifies, chest rising and falling underneath her smooth thighs. He doesn't consider this a steamy moment, something all guys dream about; wishing something like this would happen to them. It wasn't something that was going to lead into something else. He wasn't planning on anything, or expecting anything from her. He doesn't feel the urge to rush things, body movements slowing down to accommodate the surrounding atmosphere.

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