Twenty Three

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Okay, what was going on?

Rae paces back and forth in front of her body mirror, evidently stressed and depressed, but well dressed. She has been studying nonstop since she woke up to--she glances at her watch before shifting her gaze back onto her school book, subconsciously chewing on her lower lip in concentration--She woke up at around seven to start her day of studying. It was currently 11, which meant at 12 she would have a 10-minute break and get back to studying soon after. NO social media, NO tv, NO talking; NO distractions and NO procrastinating.

Her mind was set on not failing these exams and she would take any measures to ensure that she passes these finals with flying colors.

If she got a notification on her phone, blocked. if someone calls her, blocked. If her roommate knocks on her door asking if she could borrow something of hers, Rae won't hesitate on throwing anything near her and yell 'blocked' before continuing her studies.

She lowers herself on her haunches, reaching behind her to blindly grab a pen. She clutches the pen into her hand once her fingers graze it. She brings the pen in front of her, her sharp gaze set on a sentence as she uncaps the pen with her teeth and bends down to circle the sentence; reminding herself that she doesn't know that material and it'd be futile if she didn't look it up later.

Knock knock

Rae pays no attention to the muffled knock that comes from the front door, shifting her eyes. She grazes at all the letters in her textbook, making sure she knows everything; know what this word means or what this term means. Her index finger guides along, going left and right with each page she focuses on. "I'll get it!" Jennie yells, her light footsteps echoing her words as she walks over to the front door to open it.

Rae's ears pick up on inaudible talking, but pays no mind to it as she lifts her head up to look for her chemistry notes. Upon noticing them on her desk she gets up from the ground to grab them, flipping them over to skim through everything. She grabs her handy dandy blue pen to circle things she needs more understanding on.

A loud knock on her door startles her, snapping her head over into the direction the noise came from. A dip in her eyebrow follows as she scrunches her nose. She told Jennie not to bother her until 12, she strictly—firmly— stated: "if you interrupt me when I'm studying, I'll tell everyone you got a STD from a grasshopper." Sure, the latter laughed at her words. But little did she know that Rae knew people who knew people that could make it seem like it truly happened. So her roommate better watch out.

But then the brunette thinks about it some more. Yeah, Jennie laughed and didn't take her seriously when she said those words, but she was smart enough to know not to bother Rae when she was in maximum overdrive. So, it left her wondering who was at the door. Then it hits her. She grumbles under her breath when realization hits. Irene. She probably came over to see why her "friend" hasn't been answering her messages. But, she knows too that Sunday's, are not fun days.

Sunday's are strictly for studying purposes only.

Of course, Irene would be the stupid ho and test their friendship. By now, would Rae even call it--sorry--her a "friend." Does she even deem worthy of such a high title? A title that is gained by showing true sacrificial loyalty toward Rae Han.

And she knows damn well, Irene wasn't loyal in every sense of the word.

Rae decides to let Irene off with a warning, turning back to the textbook in her hands. "Fuck off, Irene, I'm not going to your flippin baby shower." She shouts, making it crystal clear that she wants no visitors that will put her in a pissy mood; or any to begin with. Her eyes dart over to the door when the handle jiggles and then the door creaks open (cursing herself for not locking the door in the first hand). She grabs whatever she can, ready to throw it at the intruder. She smiles wickedly, wondering where she should aim. The head? The eyes? The-

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