Thirty Nine

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Jimin waves goodbye to Rae, Taehyung, and Hoseok; all three of them driving to Taehyung's flat. Jeongguk, Namjoon, and Jimin were the three left standing in front of the restaurant they just ate at.

Jimin turns around, Namjoon standing in front of him. Namjoon looks down at him, ears burning. He embraces himself to be talked to, hands fumbling into the pockets on his jeans as he warily smiles at the shorter male.

Jimin steps to the side, Namjoon in his way of Jeongguk. "So, what're we gonna do, Gguk?"

Jeongguk peers over at Jimin, phone in hand and not really knowing what Jimin was talking about. He wasn't expecting to continue on in the night with the brunet. He shrugs in response. "Uh, I was actually about to head to Kyung Mi's house..."

Kyung Mi...


Kyung Mi. Classification: Jeongguk's hot ex girlfriend. Characteristics: baddie, doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, Instagram model with over 523k followers. (Jeongguk and Kyung Mi still hang out with each other. They both claim they've moved on for the better).

Jeongguk nods, smiling toward Jimin then Namjoon. He checks his watch, stepping backwards. "I'll catch you guys later." He waves goodbye, pressing the dial icon to call said girl as he parts from the duo.

Jimin and Namjoon.

Alone. Together.

Jimin lets out a frustrated sigh. He didn't get to talk to Jeongguk at all during the lunch because the ravenet was too immersed in breaking a psychological revolution about the Bee Movie to Namjoon. It started off with Jeongguk asking Namjoon; "You like jazz?"

To which the elder replied back with, "Yeah, I's pretty sooth-"

"You know what I find weird? How Vanessa Bloome, from the Bee Movie, decided to ditch her boyfriend and instead date a bee. A talking bee. I honestly don't understand why no one is talking about this. This should really be more concerning than the arising inevitable approaching global warming, if I'm being honest here. I mean, we all know it's gonna happen because we've talked about it. That's not the case with Vanessa Bloome dating a fucking bee that reproduces with his cousins like it's a bootleg version of Alabama--"

You get the jist. Pretty much, Jimin thinks it's Namjoon's fault for cock blocking him from Jeongguk. Which is not the case. Jeongguk's straight and kind of finds Jimin uncomfortable to be around, (but is too nice of a guy to say anything, so he instead found ways to keep his focus on Namjoon who seemed like a pretty cool guy (a cool guy in his own dorky way, so to speak)).

It was around five in the afternoon, the sun was starting to go down. The air was crisp, the wind blowing through their hair and against their face; kissing their nose and cheeks with a faint crimson blush. Namjoon was wearing a black turtleneck to keep him from shivering as the wind passes, but it doesn't stop the trembling when Jimin glares up at him.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" The brunets voice comes out harsh and cold. Namjoon doesn't notice, his eyes focused on how good Jimin looks with natural blush on his ears and face. When Jimin doesn't get an immediate response back, he speaks again. "Uh, hello? I'm talking to you?"

Namjoon flickers his eyes up to Jimin's dark brown irises. "No, I suppose I don't." He answers. He was being formal. Jimin feels like this Namjoon guy was talking down to him (figuratively), irritating himself even more. Wow, Jimin's eyes were really pretty; dark and edgy; a black coffee brown; darker than the night without stars shining in the sky;

"Don't you have some nerd posse to attend--like a dungeons and dragons meeting?" Jimin snorts at his joke, covering his mouth.

Namjoon has no idea what he's talking about, but goes along with it. He smiles and nods.

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