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"Im sorry. I cant do this anymore. Life is getting a little to much for me to handle and i just cant take it. I love all of you so much. And theres nothing you could have done to prevent this. NEVER blame yourself and NEVER do anything to follow in my tracks. You will be ok. I promise. I just cant stay anymore. I need to leave, to wherever that is. Heaven, hell, even pure nothingness sounds better than this life that im living. I cant stand who I am, the constant rejection, my own friends turning on me, no one really caring whether or not im there. No one notices if im not there, and no one cares. I dont fit anywhere. Thats my main motive for this. i just dont belong. I never have. Ive never been enough and I cant deal with it anymore. I need to be gone. I need the pain to end."

The scribbles on the paper, almost illegible, stare and laugh back at me. 

Why are you even writing this? No one will care if you're gone. Hell, I doubt they will even notice. 

"Stop. Please stop, oh my god please stop!" I scream at the voices in my head, begging for a break from the constant torture I endure. But I know. Deep down I know. 

This will never end. 

"Let me Help You" - Markiplier x Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now