Forget me not

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Winds travel north and suns scatter east~

Stars twinkle brightest beneath northern beast~

Forget me not, forget me not, when walls go and crumble and stones will rot~

Forget me not, forget me not, fire may blister but sun stones may not~

Constellations connect us, moonbeams will never decay~

The world will crumble before we travel away~

Forget me not, forget me not, the flowers will burn before you lose what you've fought~

Forget me not, forget me not, lightning and thunder can dreamed to be caught~

Lightning and thunder can dreamed to be caught~

Bright blue eyes, swimming with wonder look up into their mother's. Dark green, flecked with golden stars. Red swimmed around the rims, puffy agitated skin framed the forest canopy in her olive shaped orbs.

"Family is above all, the most important thing in our lives Lance, don't forget your family Mi hijo, family keeps you alive, family keeps you company, family is important". Lance snuggled closer to his mother, caramel skin, oaken locks, ocean eyes. He was his mothers pride and joy.

"Pero Mami, si la familia es tan importante, ¿por qué nos dejó marco? Dijo que estaría allí para nosotros, ¿no?". The woman sighed, deep green eyes rested on her son. Lance was her second born, the child that shouldn't be alive. Mrs. Mcclain had been told she was to sick to have him, her mother blamed it on the fact that Mrs. Mcclain was just a smidge overweight. Her luchador eventually over came the obstacle, just like she knew he would.

"Remember Lance, you need to learn English for your brother, he and your sister are moving in next week, ¿recuerdas? ". 

Lance began to pout, thick fat, tear drops running down his cheeks, "el hombre malo me quita a mi Mariquita, no me gusta el hombre malo". Mrs. Mclain sighed, her stout fingers ran through caramel locks, "He does not take your sister, he loves your sister, more than anything in his life". Lance nodded, "I love sister, sister love Luis, she is happy, right"? Mrs. Mcclain smiled, "I'm sure you don't have to keep talking like this for long, but I know eventually you'll get the hang of it, eh luchador". Lance bounced on her lap, a ivory grin painted on his face. Family is important, even family you hate. 

Covered in soot Mrs. Mcclain sat by the fire. Two of her children on her lap, the other two seated around her. An infant, born a month and a half ago, Lance's treasure in his eyes. 

"Can I hold sister, mama'", Mrs.Mcclain smiled her hands moving to pet her sons head. "She's so very little mi angel". Lance perked up, "¡ pero puedo abrazarla, por favor mama!", Mrs. Mclain clucked her tounge, "English Darling". Lance nodded before turning to the fire, the cold beginning to seep through his skin. 

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