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I don't exactly remember much. Just that I was there, in the cold room, I was there next to the ping of dripping water. I don't remember feeling thirsty, or hurt, or cold, just the pinging of that damn leak. The room was dark, hazy, futuristic, it was everything I dreamed of when coming to America, science fiction brought to life before my eyes. 

"Get up bitch, we're going to see your owner", I shivered my mind being pulled out of it's lull, I was finally seeing things clearly. 

"I'm hungry, where are we going", a slap was delivered, pushing me back into the room.

"Does it look like I give a fuck, you're going to have to bring that up to your master". A gun was shoved in the back of my head, I heard the safety slowly click off when I didn't get up right away. "I-I'm sorry, g-give me a second", on my knees I started to raise, my bare skin scraping against the concrete, dust and stones bit into my skin. We began to walk out, my wrists bound below me, hanging at my lap. I didn't have time to look at where I was, the light that flashed practically split open my skull, "A-ahh". 

I fell to my knees, my bound wrist going to my head. 

"Get up, Lotor doesn't have time for this shit to happen", I felt a kick to my ribs nd vomit pushed up through my throat. 

"P-please, stop it, please", everything was spinning and I really did need a moment. The guard didn't seem to care, a soft grunt coming from him before another sharp kick was given as I felt a strong snap in my chest, suddenly, it was getting harder and harder to breath. 

"Please", another kick, I tried to hold back the vomit but the feeling was creeping higher and higher up my burning throat. 

"I don't give a shit kid, now get up before I get in trouble". I struggled, my arms quaking when I scratched at the cold metal. I finally got my balance and my way to walk to the door, "Slow did bitch, Lotor doesn't want you to be walking around on your own, he'd have my head on a pike if I left you". I nodded wincing as everything me strained, "sorry, here let me". I began to waddle as my legs burned. 


I was thrown to some ones feet, watching as the boots paced back and forth, worry melting off of him. 

"Look at my little slave, sitting at my feet, oh dear, you do look just like her". I felt a hand yank my head up by my hair. 

"L-like who"? I felt a slap to my face, "Don't talk to me, you don't deserve to talk, to act like she did in front of me like that, especially when you're so low, filled with muck in your blood. 

I whimpered, making to get up, 

"Did I tell you to get up slut". I shook my head looking down, "Good, I thought not, that would've ruined this entire thing, I have a present for you". I looked up, locking eyes with his empty raven ones, cold, and dead. 

"w-what is it", he grumbled, turning around to slap me, I didn't say you could talk, did I fag". 

I whined again, looking to the floor, everything in me wanting to punch him.

"Presenting the love of your pathetic waste life, the filthy half blooded worm, Kean Kogar, or what ever the fuck you call". I looked up, my breath getting caught in my throat, there stood the boy I loved, naked, fury and looking shamed. I swallowed, the tears in his eye leaving me angrier then before, the way he curled up to avoid shame, all of it killed me. 

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