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My skin crawled, everything seemed to be buzzing as everyone in the palace looked at me, 

"why's there a Galra in here"? 

"He doesn't look fully like one", 

"Is that blood on his coat".Eyes darted away, smiles collapsed when they saw me, I couldn't blame them, they all seemed to be watching me. A twinge of anger flashed over me, how dare they, I didn't want any of this and they decide that I wasn't fit to be with them, I struggled like the rest of them! I looked at Lance who was talking to some alien girl, she giggled rubbing her hands up his arm. She was touching what was mine. 

"Um, Lance, could you talk to me, please", he nodded whispering something to the red skinned girl, flicking her blonde hairs. 

"Yeah, Keith, do you need something, what happened, no one hurt you did they"? Relief washed over me at those words, he still cared, he still meant it. "N-nothings wrong, I just love talking to you", he smiled and my heart raced, every bad word I was going to say got in my throat. "I love you to Keith", I blushed slapping away the hand he had rested on my cheek, "I-I, I n-never said that", heat rushed to my face and my knees were like jelly. 

"No but your beautiful violet eyes tell all", he kissed my cheek running over to Hunk, his blue eyes never leaving my lips. I honestly didn't care about all the whispers anymore, as long as only him looked at me like this. 

"Oh, Keith's got a boyfriend", I looked up, my day just kept getting better and better. 

"Shiro, ohmygodIthoughtyouweredead". The man looked down at me with tired grey eyes, his hair was now grey and white, but you could still see it was him, the closet thing I've had to a brother in for a while. 

I ran toward him, tears running down my cheeks when his arms stretched out to hug me. My body practically slammed into him, small gasps and whimpers fell out of my mouth as I tried to control the sobbing. Pulling back I looked up at him, noticing every wrinkle and every wince of pain he had. Anger flushed over me and before I had time to react I was slapping him. 

"Y-you idiot, I told you to be careful and you get yourself captured by mother fucking aliens". I couldn't help but laughing at the dumbstruck look on his face. 

"This is coming from the boy I told to keep your feet on the ground, only to see on a space ship covered in purple hair like one of those Galra bitches". I flinched fiddling with my shirt, 

"ah, well you see", my hand was taken into another's and I heard a voice began to yell at Shiro, trembling anger in it. 

"H-hey man, lay off, he's gone through the same torture as us, so if you're going to ask why a Galra is on this ship I'm going to tell you buddy, he's more beautiful and kind hearted then anyone in their pathetic fleet or race". Lance then pulled me to his chest, hugging hard, wiping away the tears forming in my eyes, slowly we walked away, "Don't listen to what ever stupid thing he said to you Babe, you're beautiful, with or without fur, plus now that you've got ears I can stroke for you, like a kitten". His fingers began to scratch the extra skin on top my head laughing as a rumble came from my throat. "See Keith, you're pur-fect", I blushed at the dazzling smile he gave me, everything in me screaming at me to kiss him. 


Lunch was quite, Keith kept looking down at his plate , eyes occasionally over to the man with that wicked scar on his face. 

"Hey baby, what 'cha looking at, you okay", I winced at how dumb it sounded but I was really to worried about Keith to care to much. 

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