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I sniffed, wiping away the tears, by body shaking as I tried to keep in a sob. 

"Ah poor boy, are you okay"? I looked up to see a lady dressed in rags, her arms scarred and twisted. Black tuffs fell from her scalp like a greasy river, the only thing that really set her apart from being an homeless beggar was that fact that her face was beyond beautiful.

"I-I, yeah, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, how's your day been". I flashed her a dazzling smile, waiting for her to smile back. 

"I'm fine except for the fact that I'm seeing one of the most beautiful boys ever slowly falling apart. Come tell Zalluv what's wrong, she hates to see you kids cry". I smiled again despite the tears that kept falling down my face. 

"R-Really I'm fine, the move is just so tiring a-and I cry when I'm tired". The woman perked her head, "What, nonsense, crying when you...pfft, ridicules". 

"What do you mean, I'm pretty sure I know what happens to my body", the witch smirked, "I wouldn't be to sure about that". Something in my quirked, "What, what do you mean". Her smile collapsed, a frown cut deep on it, it actually look pretty fake. "You're obviously an ex Galra slave, you've got the tag mark on the back of your neck. I blushed, rubbing the reddened in dent, "T-they didn't do anything to me, m-my boyf-friend and I w-were freed e-early". The woman frowned, "Oh too bad". I looked up again, "What do you mean"? 

Something in my neck seemed to unclick followed by my whole body rolling with pain. 

"W-what", she frowned again, 

"Wonder what lord wants his whore back, you seem to have a pretty big bounty on you". I scratched at the back of my neck, vision going blurry. "Oh, the Prince is going to kill for you". 


I chocked, waking up on a table, my heart raising, everything on my was shivering, from my poor toes to my quivering nose. I looked around the room, dragging my eyes from the ceiling, 

"Do you like it"? The table suddenly shifted, moving till I was level with Lotor. 

"Put me down, a-asshole', I struggled for breath, the bandages for my broken rib was gone, leaving every breath he took painful and crushing, there was lead in each breath he took . "um, no, wrong answer". I felt electricity course through me and I couldn't help but scream. "Submit", 


"I said submit to me, call me your Master, the pain will stop and your resources will be used". 

My breath seemed to be caught but a managed muster out a few words, slowly I was losing conscious, "Vete a la mierda". I spat at his shows, watching as he blew up, 

"Fine be that way, I'm going to enjoy your screams".


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