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Small crickets twittered in the night as I sat on the shore. I was bored, but still filled with content. I just needed to wat a longer, everything in me was pulling to leave but I didn't want to, just a few more seconds. He promised me. 

I decided to get up from off the dock, walking around the water to skip some pebbles. I hissed as the it sank for the third time in a row. Everything in me buzzed to jump into the water, to go, I had waited long enough. 

"I can't believe actually you waited for me", Keith turned around. Eyes wide as joy surged through his body, 

"Lance". Before the Cuban could speak again the other was in his arms, nuzzling into his shoulder, tears brimming in the corner of his eyes. 

"Of course I did idiot, I'm never leaving your side ever again". Lance nodded, looking out past the fields, watching as fire flies began to dance, up and down. It all looked like a geniuses mind at work, spiraling, dipping, screwing, everything was twirling on edge the only thing anchoring it seemed to be the two boys. Just the two boys as their shining eyes looked out into the fast nothingness. Keith turned to Lance, surprising the other, he looked human now, why did he change himself, did he feel uncomfortable around Lance that way? 

"Are we waiting for your parents, I know how you care for them", Lance smiled pulling his Keith closer. 

"No, I-I'm just a, little scared of the unknown right now, I-I, I want to stay here with you for a while". The Galra nodded, watching his partner, enjoying every tick that seemed to make up the Cuban. The way his lips twitched, his smile that seemed so timid, like he was afraid to be happy, best of all, his eyes. His eyes seemed to be shining in the night, which caused the alien to just melt. 


"What have you gotten bored of my fabulous company already"? Lances eyes widened at the joke, that was a first, "U-um, do you feel uncomfortable in your Galra form around me, b-because of what happened back...back, well I don't know, we're dead, we're gay and I don't give a shit". Lance turned to pout but his partner was already moving in to kiss him.

"No, it's not that, I think I might actually, uh, I think I might like it, yeah, it's just...like you said, I'm scared of the unknown, and I want to do t in a body that is known". Lance giggled, 

"You've got me, what else do you need". Keith shrugged, "when you use an amazing argument like that, I could never argue with you". Lance leaned down to peck his cheek. "I'm glad I'm spending my eternity with you". Keith nodded, "I guess this was the best I could get", he turned to smirk at his boyfriend but was immediately wacked up side the head. "Shut up dork, you love me". 

Keith nodded before walking over to the water, "I think it's now or never baby, we jump or not". Lance frowned but joined his companion's side nodding.

"L-let's do it". Keith smiled, jumping ahead, giving into the sinking feeling, suddenly, the temperature dropped, his throat closed. He struggled against the feeling but all he could do was tear at his throat, watching as blood flooded through the water. All he could do was watch as the water consumed his boyfriend, whos eyes were bright and wide, the blue turning grey. 

There was nothing left to do, so the boy collapsed, letting something he couldn't quite name creep over him. It was so empty, yet, so warm. Keith didn't want it to go away, so he let himself drift away, again. 


Hunk snapped awake, the sound of thunder echoing through his head. Visions of fire flies and shooting stars were what Hunk saw when he closed his eyes, everything about it seemed so ethereal, ghostly. He couldn't remember the dream, but he kept seeing snatches, a kiss between soul mates, lovers dying for no reason. He couldn't quite look directly at the dream, but when his mind wandered away he saw it; and he just couldn't shake the dream was about Keith and Lance. He sighed rubbing his face, reaching for his phone. 

"Hello, Pidge, are you able to talk", there was a slight muffled squeak on the other side before Pidge answered, her voice tired and house. 

"Yeah, I think I need a break anyways, I was studding to finish up this report". Hunk coughed into his shoulder before pressing the phone to his ear to talk again, his body was shaking for the nightmares left of adrenaline. "Cool, I'm not sleeping to well, I just needed to talk to a friend". they was a slight crackle like she was about to answer but the boy suddenly heard a loud, booming voice, stern yet soft.

"Go to sleep Katie, you're going to work yourself to death, plus, you've got to go meet Hunk for your guys café thingy". Hunk chuckled as the softer voice of his friend answered on the other line, "Fine, only because I only have another chapter left". 

The boy hummed, walking down to his kitchen, pulling out a soda. The clock was beeping on the other side of the room so Hunk turned around to check time, "Alright Pidge, it's five in the morning Kid, you're going to sleep or else". The other sighed before shuffling the phone, "Fine , good night Hunk", 

"Good night, Katie". The cricket started to chirp as Hunk walked out to his porch, smelling the dew ridden air, cool, calm, motherly. Hunk sighed, pulling his legs close to him as he watched the midnight blue sky turn cherry pink, before fading the beautiful blue. 

Hunk sighed, before checking the alerts on his phone. 




Voltron . The last one made hunk pause, slowly he clicked the label, watching it flash to a page with a winged symbol, the man he met named Shiro wearing a uniform with the symbol on it. 

'Good afternoon Hunk, my name is Allura and I'd like to ask you a few questions about..... Hunk sighed, tossing the invite in the trash, probably spam mail, or junk of some kind. Plus with a name like Voltron, it'd have to be stupid.  


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