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His laughter, I could hear it, but the way his body moved when he laughed, it practically made my body buzz, everything in me screaming. 

"Well, Well, well, where did you get this one, his blood smells different, I don't like it". The man coughed, spitting at my feet, "The bitch and his friend was found near the, near the line". The purple man smirked, his golden eyes gazing over my body with interest, "Did the lion claim it as it's paladin"?

"I-I think so, I d-don't know"? The mans voice went dark, everything around him seemed to be empty, "Then why is he still alive"!

 A sword was drawn out, the mans head falling out to my feet. 


"Don't even try and saying anything to me dirt blooded one, I can smell the stench of corrupt breeding on you, everything about you is filthy. I think the only reason why I'm buying you is because your fighting spirit will be fun to break, I do love the arrogant slaves". I nodded, my head starting to go light headed, I could understand any of this, it just seemed so, so fictional, like a dream. "W-where's my L-my friend"? 

"I don't know, I don't think I'm going to pay for him any ways, I'm not buying to of you pieces of filth, I swear if he's another half breed I'm going to buy him just for the slaughter". I froze pulling on my restraints, everything was sluggish my head was spinning. 

"P-please, don't hurt him, I-I, I love him to much for this to happen to him". I swear the man's eyes went soft, " I used to love an Altean once, with hair like spun silk, they way her eyes sparkled, like the brightest blue stars, I couldn't help but fall, but the thing that got me, the thing that got me was her smile, her smile seemed to show the brightest part of her soul. I don't know how I've gone this long with out her, but please, I want you dirt bloods to suffer like I do. He's fucking dead". I flinched as he spit into my hair, leaving the alien screaming with laughter. 

"P-please, don't hurt him". 

"Fuck you".


My boots clicked as I walked down to the next stall, every part of me was bouncing for the opurtuinty to break this couple. Torture the other until their partner breaks.

"Open the stall", 

Right away Sir, Vrepit Sa". I nodded to the man, smiling as I entered the room, instantly it crumbling when I saw the boy in the corner. Forget breaking him, I'm buying him to make him mine. 

"I'm buying him",

"Wha, What". I spun around ignoring the sniffle that came out of the boy, "I'm buying this boy, how much is his price"? The guard shrugged, "I don't know we were planning on slaughtering him", I threw him a bag, "Take it all". 

He nodded a bit star stuck, "I g-guess I'll be getting the other". I nodded, chuckling at the others smaller figure. 

"I'm going to enjoy you slut". I shivered as he looked up at me with twinkling eyes, I couldn't wait to see them turn to broken glass in my hands. "What's you name kid", the other looked up wiping away tears and snot. 

"L-Lance, S-sir", I smirked, 

"My name is Lotor, but you can call me your master". 


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