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I shouldered the back pack ,watching into the night sky. My fingers dancing over the straps as constellations were formed in my mind. 

"M-my name is Keith", I held out my hands, fingers twitching from the wait. The man, tall, brown hair, circled glasses. He looked at me a deep frown on his face, 

"I don't care, you're rooms 213, you bunk with the immigrant", I swallowed at the way he sad the nickname, like it was fire not to be touched, "U-Uh, thank you, I'll make sure t-to, what do you want me to do". The man sighed looking up from his magazine to stare into my eyes, "Don't talk to me, don't talk to the immigrant, and try to make friends fast before the school board targets you for being unstable and gives your pilot position to the Cuban bastard". 

I nodded running out of the room, my feet clicking as I walked down into the hall way. 




213. I stopped heading to knock on the door, my finger messing with my hair to make a good impression. 

"H-hello", a rich and heavy voice called through the door, pausing for a second to open a slide. One of the most gorgeous colors of blue peaking through, like stars at evening. 

"H-hi, I'm Keith, I'm y-your new dorm partner, I-my, c-can I come in". A blush was spreading over my hot face at the thought of sharing a room with him, this already amazing boy. I haven't even seen his face yet. 

"Y-yeah, one second, j-just, they don't trust me to go out a alone so I have to stay in my room after hours", he slid open the locks with a thunk. Opening wider to reveal something made me weak in the body, my stomach flip flopping as I tried so hard not to collect the boy into a hug, kissing him on the cheeks. 

Tall, skinny, athletic build. His skin was creamy was like caramel, not a single divet of acne on him. His wide blue eyes seemed to hold entire bodies of water, it was like sapphires buried in the ground, 

"W-why do they keep you locked in your room". I fiddled more with my backpack, the cough tickling in my throat. The boy gave me a weird look, kind of like a smirk, kind of like a frown, 

"I'm an alien", he teased. I remembered the guard telling me to be careful because he was from out of town, it surprised me, he actually seemed like he was born here, he had perfect English, perfect posture, everything about him seemed clean and perfect. "You don't seem like your an immigrant, you're, you're to tame". 

The Hispanic frowned, his eyes turning dark, almost black. It actually scared me, it went from beautiful and balmy to uncontrolled, feral. Like an ocean with a storm. 

"So Hispanics are dogs for you to step on hmm', we're savages waiting to be broken by your hands, huh"? I trembled under the harsh tone, the Spanish was leaking through it and I couldn't help but love it. The sound was so beautiful.

"N-no, my moms an immigrant I think, she left before I was born and all my Dad would tell me about her was that she a wasn't from here". My Grandparent always said she was disgusting and sick, a freak of nature that needed to be killed, "I'm not going to judge you in anyway, please don't be mad". He nodded slowly, turning his back, 

"Well, I'm going to take a shower"! He flipped around, eyes bright blue again, a large smile on his lips while he slipped off his shirt. A large blush drawing on my face, everything was so hot, so, so hot. I couldn't think straight around him.

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