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"I don't know why I'm screaming, it's not like anyone would care at all",

"That's my little slut, you're doing great kid, you see the truth like I do now, you are nothing compared to her, and you shouldn't be anyone other then my slut for me to beat". I pulled hard on my restraints, blood and sweat falling to the ground. "I don't see things your way, I'm just stating the truth, know one on this ship knows me like my friends do, if they did they'd be running in here guns blazing willing to kill all of y'all". Lotor laughed, his eyes flashing a deep gold, "Are you so sure, the only thing your friends felt for you is pitty, you know it my slut, that dirt blooded kid told you himself, he knows, you are nothing, and she was my everything, you just try and replicate her". I shook my head holding back my tears, he wasn't going to see what he was doing to me, "Who's her, y-you keep comparing me t-to her, I-I don't want to be her and Keith has more true blood in him then you ever will", I spat at the aliens feet, smirking as his face paled. 

"I don't think that's how you talk to your master, Lance, she was more beautiful, more generous more compliant then you will ever be, and people like you took her from me, t-turned her against me, listen to your master",

"Your not my maste-". Electricity shot through me as I began to shake, screams coming from mouth. 

"I-I, I'm not giving up to you", the lightening struck me harder, the force tripling. "You eventually will Lance, you're going to see that I'm right, I hate you my slut, please and they're going to see why I do pretty soon, you're going to be nothing but trash". He walked over petting my hair, he leaned down, kissing my ear, leaning to whisper into it, "they'll hate you like trash blooded freak you are". 

I screamed, kneeing him in the gut. Cold water seemed to leak done my chest, everything screamed with pain, the lightning just kept poring out. I tried to hold in my screams but the pain was building up in every second. Searing, hot, hot, so, so, cold, I can't, I don't, know, oh god. Pulling, pushing, go, go, going, stop, stop, stop. Nothing, no thoughts, stop it, stop it, 

"Make it stop"! 

"I do love your fire Slut, and I'm going to love freezing it over, carving it into stone, you're going to be cold blooded when I'm done, you're going to be the last thing Keith sees before a knife is shoved into his heart". I screamed jerking up as the lightning came back, harder and harder. 

"D-do your worst, I love him to much to do that, even if he was the one who delivered my filling blow". Lotor seethed stomping out of the room, 

"When I come back Slut you're going to be tamed, or else". 

The guard at the door walked in, a large smile grew on his face as the computer beeped commands for torture, 

"Oh Lotor's defiantly got an eye for pretty ones, let's see if he's got a thing for strong kinds too". The energy went up full blast and my jerks back more and more painful, my head slamming break between every break, blood was starting to trickle out my nose. "I'm going to enjoy seeing Lotor turn you into his bitch". 


Lance's throat burned for water, every time his sweat plinked to the bloodied concrete his throat leaped for the liquid. The rusty smell in the back of his throat made his stomach grumble more and more, food was but a mere dream while the night mare in real life raged on. 

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