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Yellow slits for eyes flashed open, lips dry and crackling. The taste of blood was clouded in his throat, all in all, it wasn't the worst way Keith had waken up. The sound of the ocean was crashing from that outside, having no windows Keith stood up, bones cracking from the small space. Wincing at a the loud bright blue snap that came from his neck. 

"You're not going to mess up today Kogane, I swear to god". 

He rubbed his knuckles, lips sticking out as he cracked them, one by one. The thought of what we would be asking the council was enough to give anyone anxiety, but the fact that he was the Galra accused of it, that somehow made things worse. Quickly the alien stood up, his body quaking from the scream in his ankles, everything in him wanted to just go back to sleep. To wallow in pity over Lance, he couldn't possibly save the boy so why bother. He was probably dead already. 

The boy sighed, pulling on a black t-shirt, buttoning his favorite jacket. Smiling at the thought of his family back at home, they had gave it to him when he was six, claiming it used to be his mothers, she left it when she was taken back to her pathetic world. The thought of his mother made anger soar in his mind, Lotor had taken her from Keith, he had watched the security photage with his own eyes. 

"I'm not letting you die like she did Lance, I'm going to slaughter that sucky prince". The boy smiled, sheathing his dagger another artifact of his mother. 

"Hey Keith, are you ready, the council is". Keith looked out the door, a large boy, darkened skin, soft, understanding pools of honey, a tousle of chocolate lock, followed by a nose splayed with darkened freckles. The image of motherly, even the way he held himself, timid, slouched in, everything about him screamed that he cared. 

"Uh, yeah....I'm sorry, who're you". 

"Oh yeah, I'm a friend of Lance's, I'm Hunk, I-I, I used to hang out with him before you came". There was a twinge of jealousy in Keith, the thought of his boyfriend hanging out with anyone, other than him. Keith scolded himself for thinking that way, but thoughts drifted away from him, as he pictured his boyfriend kissing the other. 

"Hey kid, you okay, you look like you're fazing out there". Keith glared at the other, "I'm fine, leave me alone".

"Yes sir, j-just follow me". I smirked, walking down the hall, flinching at every gasp, whisper or sneer. I hadn't quite gotten used to that part yet, finally, we arrive at a silver door, causing me to hold my breath as it swished open. Every single person seemed to be there, sneers, grimaces and frowns on heir blue faces. 

"Come in Mr. Kogane, we've been waiting". The man smiled at me as I looked up into his face, watching as black swirls shifted on his face. 

"T-thank you for seeing me S-Sir", I shook my head, looking away from the alien, dragging my gaze to the dusty floor, "I-I need your help". mummers echoed through the room as I struggled to keep myself from running out the door. 

"And why should we do that"?

I glared, shifting over to the man covered in soot, sparkles of coal on his waxy sallow skin. His body tense and guarded. 

"The man I loved, was taken, and all I request is, all I want is a small ship". The court seemed to mull over it, 

"And what will we gain out of this". I looked down, fiddling with my hands, the sight of Lance etched in my mind, and I'm not going to get it out of there ever.

"The entirety of space will see you're sympathetic, they'll know you'll help those who are separated and enslaved. Can't you just see it, please, I-I-I don't know what I'd do with out my Lance, he's my everything, a-and, please, j-just, please I don't know how I'd live with out him". Someone in the court stifled a laugh, "Well I suppose you're going to have to start thinking, because I am most certainly not helping a fucking Gal-". A woman in the back began to rise, her form slender, smile tucked and forced. "I must insist Mr. Kogane, you take my smallest ship, I-I, my husband was taken, and the thought of it happening to a couple as you as you, tomorrow we are taking the earthlings to earth. If you come back in time, alive".

Tears filled my eyes and I practically rushed to respond to her, 

"O-of course, we won't die mam', I can promise you that, you're not going to regret this". The woman nodded, watching me as I bounced on the balls of my feet, everything in me humming, buzzing. "I can't tell you thank you enough". The woman smiled, an actual smile, rubbing on a bruise on her chin, "All I want is for you to see him again, don't give me promises you can not keep". I nodded, following Hunk out of the room.


"I'm sorry". Surprise jot through the alien as the voice behind him spoke out in emotion. 

"S-Shiro", there was a slight cough before Keith turned to see his older brother, tears forming in his eyes. "I said I'm sorry, I-I, I shouldn't have said any of those things to you but I did so any ways, you...". He shrugged turning around to look at a group of kids in the background, "You've only met this kid once, why does it matter if I make up with the fucking freak". Keith sighed, adjusting the strap on his suit before going to straddle the wing of his space craft resembling a fighter jet. 

"I'm sorry too Shiro, but my apology is authentic, you went missing and it killed me, I want to return the favor, you're never going to see me again, anything you wan to say you've missed your chance". Shiro gaped his face darkening with anger, 

"Why should I listen to a freak". Keith shrugged, "I just thought you'd want to listen to your brother". He boarded the plane quickly, sliding into the cockpit before adjusting the mask on his face.  

"I'm coming Lance".      

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