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I buried myself further and further into the covers, the foot steps were getting louder and louder, the breathing was raggedy, horse . Red was slowly inking into my darkened vision and I was struggling to escape. 

"H-hello, L-Lotor, is that y-you", a soft hand began to stroke, I hope it's not Lotor, that feels pretty nice. 

"We've only been separated for a week, and you forget the touch of your lover", I slammed my head on the bed post to get up to hug him, touch him, just, just him. That's the all I could think, KeithKeithKeithKeith. I could hear a small gasp fall from him but I really didn't care. I just wanted to make up for the fact that I wasn't going to see him there. 

I could see an image etched in my head, he sat there, his familiar cocky smile, he sat there, covered in sweat and tears. Maybe the blood of his enemies-I wouldn't mind- I could just see him there. Everything was just perfect in that moment, 

"H-how did you get in here, where's Lotor, I d-don't want to go out there if he's still alive". Keith sighed, collecting me into his arms, rubbing circles in my back.

"I'm sorry, I haven't managed to kill him yet, I snuck in through the vents, "I promise though, you're going to be fine, I'll make sure you get out of here on our pod, it's a forget me not promise". I sniffled, digging myself deeper and deeper into Keith's shoulder, "A-all right let's go". 


Naked, cold alone, that was all Keith could say when he look at his love, he knew in that moment, Lotor was dead. No questions asked, but when he saw the scars, oh god, long white and cracked. Everything about him looked slapped together, like no one had put any effort into it. I couldn't help but gasp, the sight of him like that, so distant, they ways his cheeks turned red with tears, how his voice was steel and hallow. I faked a smile, explaining everything to him, tears forming when he panicked, refusing to leave. Just like the man when we were rescued, to afraid to move, dying in fear and confusion. 

As we limped down the darkened hall way, I began to count the way the guards rotated, careful to not be seen, I couldn't afford to kill anyone for fear of the body being seen. Earlier along the journey, I gave Lance a gun, in hopes that his training at the Garrison would have helped in some way.

"Are you okay Lance", every step we took, he seemed to shake, his eyes wiping around frantically. 

"I-I, I don't think Master, I, I don't, uh, um, I don't think Master would be, uh, happy, if we, if we, you know, if we left". I stopped suddenly and put my hand over Lance's to cover the squeak. 

"I don't care if you're on break, you will find him now, the fucking slut escaped, find him, now". I heard slight growling before the men clinked off into the other direction. 

"s-see, he's not happy with me, I-I , I just can't, please, you've got to believe me". I felt a slight tug on my hand but I continued, 

"I love you Lance, and I made a promise, remember, you made a promise. You are getting back to Cuba, and I don't fucking care if you're screaming, this place, everything here, it , uh, it's toxic waste, and you're going to drown. Please come with me". 

Lance looked to the floor, his vacant stare starting to colder, harshening, he could practically see the boy thinking. 

"for family", I smiled, bonking his head to mine, 

"For love". Lance slowly nodded and we continued to run faster to the escape pods, the bundles of our space life slung around my back in a back pack. When we arrived I started to load everything in, checking for fuel, checking for to Lance stay in his place, "Baby, you've got to cover me while I do this, if you hear someone other than me, shoot it holey". Lance nodded resting his fingers on the trigger. 

I began to screw on the fuel valve excitement boiling in me. We're going home, slowly I stepped out to unhook the pod.



bang.  The guns went off, and suddenly I was spinning around, gun out, determined because no one was going to hurt my Lance. Too late, screams from the pod, screams from my love.  Two men down, from my Lance. Costing him his life, I could already tell he didn't have enough left, he was crumbling, but I'll be damned if he doesn't make it, family first, love later he was going back, I'm not.

 Lotor was hanging in the back and my stomach danced, Lotor. Everything, everything was blowing up for him, but, but he barely bat a lash, his face as fierce and as hungry as a wolf, everything in me was telling me to pull, to just pull, just do it. Shoot the fucking monster. For some reason I was frozen, I knew each second was Lance's life, but I couldn't. I wasn't, I don't, something in my brain wasn't clicking and fear bang through me. 

"And here I thought the day would be uninteresting. I growled, pulling myself farther from the door, gun still in my hand. 

"Tell your men to stand down", he chuckled, "Or else, what, you're not getting out here alive". I smirked, pushing into the pods control panel, starting the count off, before slamming my fist into, feeling the bolts burn my skin. 

"No"! I smirked, pulling a box of matches out of my back pocket, fiddling with the match as I struggled to get it out.  

"Actually I changed my mind". 

"Keith y-you promised", 

"I promised to get you home, not me, but baby, I'll be waiting for you, w-will, you, I don't know". I pulled out a match.

"Some one fucking shoot him", I smiled, striking the flame, 

"I love you, please, remember, forget me not"? Lance nods and I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks. I'm doing this, I'm doing this, I'm doing this. 

For Lance. 

"Vrepit sa, Mother fucker". 


The fuel hatch was opened in a second, flame dropping, flame falling. Lance covered his mouth as it happened, waiting to hear something, waiting to feel something. 



Nothing. A promise in nothing, Lance was left with a promise in nothing as he hurdled through space. Everything screaming as he tried to move, the wound in his stomach opening with every shift. Tearing with every head splitting feeling. 

Nothing, Lance could only think about nothing. He wasn't empty headed, it was just, it was just that he could only think of nothing.          

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