Chapter 4

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Irving had his feet propped up on the dashboard, a laptop viewing security feed of the warehouse in his lap. Jill sat in the driver's seat, watching from her leaned over position.

You on the other hand, chose to sit in the back, the stolen earpiece in your right ear as you leaned against the window. You were waiting for a voice, something, anything really. You needed an opportunity to respond, to get into contact with the good guys in this situation.

"There they are," Irving spoke, seeing Chris and Sheva cautiously enter the facility, the camera lenses zooming in on them for a closer look. "Tch," he shook his head, looking over to Jill from the corner of his eye, "Let's go."

Jill started the car, quickly driving off from the scene along the bumpy road. You put your fingers to the earpiece, listening to the new voices that spoke through.

"Chris to HQ, do you copy?"

"This is HQ. Excellent work out there. We'll analyze the data immediately."

"This whole town's gone to hell. The people here are acting like those Ganado detailed in the Kennedy Report and aside from that, there's something new, something we've never encountered before."

A strange shiver shot up and down your spine when the last name was mentioned, your heart receiving a familiar ache that quickly filled your chest, making you bite your lip. Leon, it's been a while since I thought of you today.

Doubt he misses you.

"Tch," you readjusted your position, looking out the window to find yourself crossing along a bridge, rushing past various men seeming to tear the road apart. What the reason was for you didn't know, but it was good you drove by while there was still a chance.

"Our transportation was taken out too." Sheva's voice came through, reminding yourself that he had a partner. "Requesting a mission update."

"The mission stands. Capturing Irving is your top priority. We believe he may have fled to the mines on the other side of the train station."

"Wait," Chris sounded alarmed, not believing what HQ had said to them. "We're the only two left, you want us to go in there alone!?"

"Delta Team has been dispatched and are on their way. They'll assist you in locating and apprehending Irving."

"But wait we can't...!" Sheva tried to interrupt, but HQ seemed strictly insistent on the mission plans. "I repeat, your mission stands. We can't afford to let him get away. Proceed to the mines beyond the station. Over and out."

"(Y/N)?! For Fuck's sake doll you got the attention span of a fucking zombie!" Irving looked back towards you, forcing your gaze to flick towards him. "What?!"

"Your partner thinks you should scout for those reinforcements, to watch out and whatever." Irving talked while gesturing his hand, waving it around like it didn't matter to him. Jill didn't look to you, keeping her hands on the wheel while the car roughly stopped, forcing you to hold onto the seat in front of you.

"You sure?"

"I know it's what you want to do." She responded, her voice keeping monotone the entire time. But there was something else to it, a hint of someone trapped in there telling you to go see what was happening, and to help.

After Jill was experimented on and succumbed to various painful mind control procedures by Wesker himself, during late nights you would visit her, seeing her when her strong will kept her from being blinded by Wesker's 'toys'. She knew you by name, admiring you when she heard your story back when you were 'alive'.

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