Chapter 15

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A terrible stench is what hit the noses of the two partners as they approached the open area littered with corpses. Both guns were prepared to fire, but the mass quantity of bodies had perplexed them to a complete halt in their steps.

"What the hell happened here?"

A clank of her heels is what striked alert to both of them, quickly spotting the woman responsible for the sound. She was bent over in pain, pale skin flushed and glistening with sweat. Her breathing was rash and hard, her groans growing slightly loudly by the minute. Her makeup was messy, eyeliner filled tears brimming her squinted eyes.

"Excella," Chris pointed his gun in her direction, Sheva followed the same action. "What's going on!?"

"Why..." she began, slowly staggering to a stop, hands clawing at her abdomen from the painful cramping. "When I've done so much... all for you!" She bursted out with another cry, bent over in agony while her breathing became more difficult.

You watched from a far distance, up on top of large cargo crates, getting a view of the bodies followed by the staggering woman you left below, getting a perfect point of view for the upcoming scene to unfold. You hated Excella since the beginning, but you couldn't help but feel a bit of remorse for her. You would've chose a more quicker death; painless, unexpecting, quick. Instead, you gave the woman a more brutal death; slow, agonizing, terrible.

"Chris! How nice of you to join us."

Wesker's voice came from the PA system, echoing out for the two to hear, leaving them confused at the source.

"Don't worry, your mission is at its end. Uroboros is at the eve of its appearance!" He spoke with such a sinisterly slow tone, his low voice adding onto the cryptic vibes that was happening in this very moment. "Six billion cries of agony will birth a new balance."

"Sorry Wesker, but not on my watch!" Chris pointed to his chest, shouting out to the horizon for Wesker to hear.

"Albert!" Excella cried out, bringing her head up to speak louder as if Wesker was around her to witness. "You said we'd change this world together!!" Followed by her words, she let out yet another agonizing groan, falling to her hands and knees after her legs quickly gave out. "Why!?"

"I thought they were partners," Sheva turned her head towards Chris, receiving a quick shake of the head. "Wesker doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself."

"Soon even you will understand, Chris. One glimpse of my new world, and it will all make perfect sense."

"Show yourself!" Chris yelled out, fixing his direction up towards the Bridge, being a very obvious place for Wesker to oversee everything that was happening. "Unfortunately," Wesker resumed speaking, "Its too late for you. You will not live to see the dawn."

Wesker's attention turned towards Excella, seeing her progress going south much more faster than he had expected. Still, he did expect this out of the woman in the first place. "Sorry Excella, but it appears Uroboros has rejected you."
The woman's groans turned to screams, her torso began to move in awkward ways as the parasite traveled upwards, attacking her internals and bringing her great pain. Chris and Sheva were left to watch, followed by you in the distance, to see the affects Uroboros was about to show from this woman.
"Though you have been an excellent asset, I have one last task for you."

Excella quickly lifted her head, her fingers stuck on her sides, nails digging deep into her skin. "ALBERT!!!"
Her cheeks bulged, eyes widened in frozen shock. Her body bent backwards, lips tearing open as a large swarm of black like worms escaped her mouth, wiggling wildly in the air while quickly wrapping around her body, swallowing her whole.

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