Chapter 8

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"The preparations are almost complete. Then we can leave." Excella pulled off the cap to a fresh syringe, tapping the vial with the tips of her fingers.

"Good." She turned to her right, seeing the exposed forearm prepared to be injected. His fingers balled into a fist as she didn't hesitate to insert the needle full in, injecting him with the serum created with samples of your own blood.
He breathed in as his system took in the serum, your blood working as an agent to enhance the affects.

She took out the needle, placing the cap back on and slipping it into its proper slot. "You know, I was surprised Las Plagas was such a success."

She looked over towards Wesker as he stood up, approaching the large control panel as he took a moment to let the dose do the work. "When you first arrived I had my doubts." She stood up, her heels clicking against the floor as she joined Wesker's side, her eyes roaming along the muscles on his back. "And now Uroboros is complete."

"Your position at Tricell is secured." He responded, keeping his gaze locked in front of him.

"Oh..." She walked around him slowly, her fingertips running along his back delicately, feeling the material of his suit. "I have my eyes set on something much bigger."

"Hmm." Was all Wesker could say, his mind focused on his own thinking.

"You'll be needing a partner, right? Someone suitable to join you in your New World?" Excella pressed her chest to Wesker's side, her breasts slightly rubbing up against his biceps. Her hand rested along his abdomen, fingers tracing his abs, lingering dangerously along his belt. "I've believe I've proven I'm worthy, haven't I?"

He looked over at her face, his hand heading towards her delicate appearing chin, cupping it as if he was trying to close down and muzzle a dog. "Perhaps you have."

He threw her face to the side, receiving a look of irritation from her.

"The BSAA are here." Jill entered the room, staring at Wesker and Excella.

"It appears your old friend, Chris Redfield has come to pay a visit." She noticed the slight crinkle of skin underneath his sunglasses, his lips curving to what appeared to be a smiling grimace, finding her words rather irritating to hear. "Do I sense concern?" She asked, slightly leaning upwards as if she was babying him.

"The plan is in its final stages, I will not tolerate delays."

She took a second to process his words before letting out a huff, shaking her head before walking away from him. She approached the couch, closing her suitcase full of syringes before picking it up, giving you a sideways glance as she walked out the door, Jill following behind her.

You were leaning against the wall near the door, arms crossed against your abdomen, your finger blindly tracing the old scar underneath your shirt. Watching that scene unfold in front of you made you cringe more than you expected, shaking your head as soon as Ecxella's heels were far out of range.

"How much longer are you going to keep this up?"

Wesker slightly glanced at you, his face unchanging. "Hm?"

"You know what I mean," You approached him, hands still crossed as you stopped at his left side, glaring at him. "The little game she's trying to play with you? How much longer are you going to keep up the act for?"

"She'll soon realize what's to come, She may be blind, but she's not stupid."

"Oh please," you turned your head away, staring out towards the large missiles full of Uroboros, standing upright inside the large corridor facility. "It's like saying I'm magically going to have kids, but I have the scars."

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