Chapter 17

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By the time Chris had fired at the last, and final orange bulbous looking boil from the Uroboros thriving a few feet away from you, the explosion was much more massive than all seven other attempts to destroy the beast.

The stalks emitted horrendous cries to the horizon, its movements slowly coming to a stop as if they were beginning to freeze in below zero temperatures. Creaky sounds were followed by its quick halt in the sky, appearing frozen like a stone statue against the salty winds.
You stared at the parasite entering what appeared to be its dormant state, your lungs burning from lack of air at various times. You've lost count at how many projectiles were thrown at you, splattering your white clothes and (S/C) skin with black gooey substances. You pulled off your gloves some time during the fight, which layed abandoned on the ground a few feet away from you, completely drenched in goo.

You looked towards Sheva and Chris, who seemed to be relaxing in the small time of silence you had as soon as the beast froze. Chris had gotten black goo on the laser weapon, now abandoned on the floor due to no longer being useful. He seemed to be spared of most projectiles, but couldn't help but obtain minor splatters on his arms and face. Sheva looked worse for wear, face slightly splattered in goo while her hands were drenched, she appeared to be attacked the most.

"So that's Uroboros," she began, lowering the hand that held her gun. "I fear for the world if that ever gets out."

You let out a small sigh, wiping your face a little to discover some goo splattered on your cheekbone. "Not unless we stop it, if it gets out then the world can blame me all they want."

"No," Chris began, joining your side while exhanging glances between you and Sheva. "We all know who's to blame here. Goddamnit Wesker," He shook his head, heading straight towards the door without the two of you. "He's actually serious about destroying the entire planet!"
You couldn't help but glance at Sheva out of worry, who returned the same gesture before running after Chris, You following alongside her as you found him preparing to open the door back into the Bridge.

Bright flashing red lights along with loud sirens echoed the entire room, which meant some emergency alarms were set off.
"Warning. Sealing off area with secondary bulkhead. Evacuate the area immediately."

This is more than enough times I need to listen to emergency sirens telling me what to do here.

Chris headed down the steps, eyes quickly catching ahold of a screen showing something that piqued his interest and suspicion. "Wait." He held his hand out, stopping you and Sheva in your steps as he quickly approached the monitor. Sheva joined his side, leaving you watching the two as the crowded the screen like little children. "An assault bomber," Sheva stared at the particular plane displayed on what appeared to be the security footage. "When Jill said Wesker was planning to spread Uroboros throughout the world..." Chris shook his head a bit, unwilling to believe what he was seeing. "He's planning to use this to spread it."

He looked back towards you, motioning you towards the screen. You approached the space Sheva made to have you look, seeing the unfamiliar plane displayed. "Did you know about this?" She couldn't help but ask. You shook your head, "I'm close with Wesker, but he had his secrets." Staring at the plane possibly prepared and ready to leave set jolts of worry up and down your spine, making you wish you could tear your eyes away from the sight. "A lot of secrets."

Chris let out a small hum, looking back at the screen to quickly notice a man standing on a balcony platform, overlooking the plane without moving. "Wesker!" He called out, stealing yours and Sheva's attention towards the man. "Why is he standing there?" You couldn't help but ask yourself, finding his stare off into space rather cold and sinister.

"He's waiting for us," Chris backed away from the monitor, turning around. "Come on, lets go."

A phone went off, it's loud beep slightly cutting through the loud sirens the ship was giving off. Chris pulled out his phone, which immediately showed a screen of Jill's pale face. "Jill! Are you alright?" He asked, his voice sounding concerned and worried.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me," she began, sounding scratchy and out of breath through the phone's audio. "Just listen carefully, there's something I need to tell you."

You and Sheva gathered on the right and left side of Chris, looking at Jill as Chris kept the phone at a certain distance so the three of you could listen. "Wesker's superhuman strength, it comes from a virus. But the virus is unstable. In order to maintain a balance he must inject himself regularly with a serum."

"So if we cut the supply of serum he loses his strength." Sheva responded, receiving a firm nod of Jill's head. "Affirmative. But he just took a dose so it's gonna be a while before he needs another one." 
"Damn." Chris lifted his head, Sheva shaking her head slightly in dismay. You watched the two's reactions, seeing how Jill's words seemed to fill them up with hope, then deflate it with an unsuspecting needle. "Listen," she called them back, getting their attention once again. "Excella said that the amount administered needs to be precise. So if he injects too much it should act like a poison. I think she used a serum labeled PG67A/W."

"PG67A/W?" Sheva questioned, pulling out a syringe she kept in her front pocket. She was surprised it didn't break, the build quality was rather impressive. She turned the tube, finding the bright red label containing the exact code Jill remembered perfectly.

"I'm gonna try to find a way to escape. You need to find that serum. Excella always kept it with her in an attaché ca-" the call began to scratch out, causing Chris to panic over his partner's safety. "Jill?? Come in! Jill!" He called, seeing the screen go blank. "Shit," he lowered the phone. "Where the hell are we gonna find that serum?"

"Beats me," you shrugged. "Excella's long dead."

"Guys," Sheva showed the syringe in her hand, displaying the serial code written in bold. "This is it."

Chris looked down at the syringe, while you were left dead silent seeing the needle in her hand. Does this mean my blood is considered poison to Wesker too? I should've known that sooner.

"Lets give it a shot." Chris looked at you with a nod, showing you it was time to head out. You took your gun out, making sure it was fully loaded before following the duo towards the elevator. This entire time, your heart was pounding rapidly at the future you were about to walk into. Finally defeating the man who raised you into what you are now, it seemed bittersweet to kill someone like that. Still, you knew deep inside he was the enemy, and you knew for a fact he was going to use this information against you if you fought him face to face.

"A bomber equipped with missiles?" Sheva spoke out loud, speaking her thoughts as the elevator traveled to your destination. "He can't fly around in that without getting shot down.... oh God." Chris looked at her as Sheva came to a realization, giving her a slow nod in agreement. "Exactly. The plane can't get shot down. If it does, it will initiate a biohazard."

"It's just like Jill said, he's planning to spread this virus worldwide."

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