Chapter 5

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By the time you arrived at the crash site, you were at a slight awe at the scene displayed in front of you.

The helicopter crashed strike center in the entire open area, the propellers detached from the top. It was all in flames, the metal bird charred and ruined, sending large puffs of black smoke to the skies. The pilot named Kirk was nearby, facing upwards ontop of a large pile of tires, also set aflames. His body was in the same condition as the helicopter, burned beyond recognition.

Various motorcycles were scattered around the crash site, followed by large chains scattered like dead snakes along the dirt. Dead Majini's were on the ground dead in various places, one appeared to be ran over by a motorcycle, another seemed to have been thrown upwards before being impaled on a propeller.

Large amounts of crows swarmed the site, which in your mind seemed rather ironic due to your arrival at the scene.

"Freeze!" A gun clicked behind you, making your heart stop. Two more guns seemed to click behind you, making you cuss yourself mentally.

You should've scouted above ground.

"Hands in the air. Don't try anything, there are snipers watching all around you." The voice sounded new, but firm with his commands. Instinctively, you looked towards the upper corner of your vision, spotting a sniper on the roof of the nearest building, the sun's ray reflecting off the scope lense, letting you know they weren't lying.

"Inform Captain Stone, we're taking her with us." A soldier ran ahead of you, heading towards the nearest building where you suspected their Captain was. The tip of the gun poked your back, forcing you to walk forward towards the building, your hands in the air beside your head.

You entered the building, seeing a man talking to Chris and Sheva, surprising you as much as the sight of you surprised them.

"Captain," the man behind you spoke, keeping his gun at your back. "We found her arriving at the crash site."

"It's you!" Chris called out, recieving a glare from you behind your mask. Sheva had her hand on her gun, keeping eyes on you as the door closed behind the soldiers, making sure you had no chance at escape.

The leader, an African American man who must've been Captain Stone, looked at you while holding a hard drive in his two fingers. "You two know her?" He looked back towards the two, seeing their narrowed eye gazes towards you. "We think she's with Irving, what are you doing out here?"

You kept your mouth closed, your hands frozen in the air. You dared not to say anything, giving them a solemn look behind your mask.

Chris took note of your silence, walking past Sheva and Captain Stone. He got up close to you, making you look up at him slightly. "Talk!" He told you, his eyes holding bits of agitation towards you. I did nothing to you. You shouldn't be mad at me.

"If she won't talk, she won't talk." Sheva stepped forward, leaving the soldiers around you to keep a firm eye on you. "She can lead us to Irving."

Chris looked back towards Sheva, astonished at her sudden suggestion. "Are you insane?"

"Trust me Chris. I've seen her before, if she wanted to attack she wouldn't have been captured so willingly." Sheva looked at you, seeing your apparel and your limited choice of weapons. "You'll be our little prisoner for now, you can lead us to Irving. And if you try anything, we won't hesitate to hurt you. Understand?"
The way she spoke with much authority was a little off putting, you expected Chris to do all the talking, but she seemed to be the good cop of this situation.

A chance to be with the good guys and not have enemies breathing down my neck, I'll take that chance no matter what.

As a result, you found yourself nodding once, lowering your hands down to your sides.

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