Chapter 20

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All you felt around you was an explosive amount of heat. It was hotter than the most blazing temperatures in Africa.
It almost burns, where am I?
You were rather hesitant to open your eyes at first, so you allowed your fingers to feel the surface you were currently laying on.
Your fingertips felt the unusual yet familiar bumpy surface of what felt like rough rock, incredibly warm under your body. You somehow landed face first, your burning cheek feeling the same rough stone your fingers had felt.

How am I not dead?

Slowly, you opened your eyes, overcome with surprise to see a rocky ground, overshadowed with a bright crimson glow, accompanied by strong notes of orange fire. Slowly, you lifted your head, suspecting your body to already be in pain from the situation of tossing yourself out of an airplane, and living. You looked around, eyes locking and growing large at the sight of hot boiling lava not far from you.

You're kidding me, right? A volcano? A VOLCANO??

"The plane," you snapped your attention away from the molten magma underneath your body and looked up towards the skies. Due to the heat from the volcano and the darkened heavy skies, a slight splatter of rain began to fall onto your skin, but the water was rather warm and uninviting at a time like this. Getting up onto your knees, you rubbed your cheek from debris and water while looking around, quickly noticing a trail of heavy black smoke from the corner of your eye that didn't appear to be natural for a volcano.

Getting up on your feet quickly, you ran along the bumpy rock ground, approaching a makeshift path out of stone. You looked down, gasping a bit at the sight of the large plane crashed through a thick layer of magma rock, the lava currently melting the inside of the cockpit, at least you presumed. "Oh shit," you couldn't help but breathe out. The outside was still open, the door still showing an exposed back, currently in flames from the crash.

To your relief, you spotted Chris and Sheva walking away from the plane door, appearing to be perfectly fine from your point of view. At least they survived.
Where's the body?

You looked around in search of Wesker's body. It was practically impossible how you managed to survive, you wondered the same for the other man. "Did he...?" You looked into the lava pit down below, wondering if by lucky chance he managed to fall in.

"I should've killed you years ago... Chris." Wesker's voice broke your train of thought, having you look up towards the crash sight, quickly catching sight of the missing man standing shirtless on top of a large sheet of metal. He stared down at the two, his eyes glowing as bright as the bubbling lava down below.
"Your mistake. It's over Wesker!" Chris shouted, gun aimed up towards the man. "Over?" The man scoffed, looking over from the corner of his eye towards a missile, containing the word Uroboros in bold letters. He let out a chuckle, glaring back towards Sheva and Chris. "I'm just getting started." With his one gloved hand, he reached down and jammed his fist through the missile, kneeling down on his knees as his fingers felt what he was looking for.

Thick black worms began to spew out from the inside, immediately wrapping around Wesker's hands, covering his skin with trails of black goo as the parasites wrapped around Wesker's entire right arm up towards his torso. He began to growl angry groans as Uroboros began to form with his body, accepting his 'superior genetic code' and taking form of what he wanted: a weapon. Various bits of metal were picked up by the parasites, joining into Wesker's body as bits of skin began to pale and dissolve, giving the man a sickly looking appearance.

"Time to die, Chris." Wesker jumped off from the makeshift metal platform, getting on ground level with Chris and Sheva, who quickly stepped back from the man, guns hesitantly pointed at the man. Wesker began approaching towards them, seeing no rush to run after them, they were going to die after all, in his eyes.

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