Chapter 19

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Wesker stumbled back slightly, which made you back up a little bit more, putting distance between you two as you watched to see what the overdose was about to do to his body. Chris and Sheva kept their distance in front of Wesker, watching to see what would happen. You couldn't help but feel like getting closer, preparing yourself to watch the man suffer, but you stood your ground, anxious to see his pain.

His hand found the tube sticking out from his chest, the area beginning to sting in the strangest way as his fingers wrapped around the tube hesitantly, a groan escaping his lips before he could pull it out.
The stinging began to get stronger, forcing his struggling groans to get louder as he fell to his knees a bit more, the syringe feeling more like a sharp stake was embedded into his chest, his blood burning around the source. Letting out a very pained groan, he yanked the tube from his chest, throwing it off to the side as if it were trash.

"Did it work?" Sheva couldn't help but ask, watching as Wesker struggled up onto his feet, his breathing becoming erratic very quickly. "I think so."

Wesker's vision began to blur when he looked up towards the duo, murky rouge shadows appearing in the corner of his vision as his blood began to burn, causing a loud scream to escape his mouth as he grabbed his head, his upper half bent over in excruciating agony.
Once again, he fell to his knees, landing in the most vulnerable position you've seen him in yet. At this point, you were tempted to raise your gun from your hand and put a bullet into his head, but you weren't sure if that would actually kill him. You heard he died before by a massacre of other things, some involving bullets and strange B.O.W's, and still lived. You needed to end it; if you couldn't, then either Chris or Sheva will.

Wesker pulled off his glasses, quickly crushing them in his hands as if he were crumpling paper as he stared up at the duo with red dragon-like irises full of rage. "This isn't over, Chris!" He threw the remains of his glasses aside, struggling to get back on his two legs. He turned around quickly, glowing eyes locking onto your form, suspecting you were behind him all along. Before you could counter his fast attack, His fist delivered a harsh blow to your stomach, catching you completely off guard as his shaking hands found a tight hold your shoulders. "Don't think I forgot about you, girl."
Without possible warning, your body was hoisted over Wesker's shoulder, a hand grabbing onto you tightly by your waist, supporting you from moving away.

Chris and Sheva pulled off looks of pure alarm, reaching their hands out and calling your name in panic as Wesker jumped high into the air. In what you believed looked to be a pathetic looking position, you couldn't help out letting out a faint scream due to your breathless state, your free hands reaching back towards the duo who watched you be taken into the sky. For a split second, you saw them run after you towards the plane, suspecting you were being taken inside with him.

Wesker jumped into the closest entrance at the back of the plane, bringing you along inside with him. He immediately let go of your body once he got inside, allowing you to fall towards the floor, landing hard on your elbows. He stared down at your body, seeing you slowly pull yourself up onto your hands and knees, breathing heavily as the pain numbed out throughout your stomach.

"I suspected you would do this from the beginning (Y/N)," he talked down towards you, using a commanding harsh tone he hasn't used on you since you were a small child. "Your stubborn mind was always willing to do the unthinkable, despite all the orders you were given. I believed Excella's words, but I was blind enough to not believe them."

So she told him all along. Glad I was the one who killed her then.

You looked up at him, breathing deeply while staring at the red irises that burned through your skull. When you were smaller, you told yourself to never stare into his eyes, for they burned like the fires of hell. But now, you glare back at them with less amounts of fear than you had before. "You were always one to expect too much out of me," you slowly pulled yourself off the ground, "Treating me like some sort of super soldier, and for what? All to kill me in the end."
You got yourself to your feet, staring at him in the eyes as he stared down at you, his shoulders beginning to tremble as his closed fists shook terribly, his strength faltering.
In at least two seconds, a large spasm of pain overcame his body, forcing him to emit a loud roar before falling to his knees, breathing heavily as he took a vulnerable kneeling position in front of your feet.

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