Chapter 3

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"Took you long enough doll! Making me wait out here in the hot sun like this-"

"We're indoors Rick, you're fine." You approached him, joining him in the center of the room where you found him pacing around, arms crossed.

"Look at you, you're covered in blood, ruins the white angel look about you." He gestures towards your boots, and your gloved hands, all covered in various splatters of dry and fresh blood. You looked back up towards him, giving him a shrug for his answer. "Not all angels are prim and proper."

Heavy footsteps stole your attention, turning your head towards the entrance you arrived in.

"Mathison, Captain DeChant here! Our route is blocked!" Loud words rang from the earpiece in your hand, making you gaze down at it with confusion.

"Where'd you get that thing by the way?"

"Of a body of a BSAA soldier-"

A loud burst interrupted your speech, seeing various soldiers arrive into the room from the door they kicked down. They surrounded the two of you, preparing to attack or question, or in this case arrest.

"Richardo Irving, you're surrounded. Get down on your knees!" One soldier barked towards Irving, but he didn't obey. He seemed to laugh, extending his arms out into the air around him. "Fellas! So pleasant of you to join us this fine afternoon isn't it?"

"Get down on your knees!!" The same soldier barked at him, making Irving's smile drop temporarily at the sound of his strict voice. His smile returned, his body turning around slightly. "Ah ah ah, now I know what you're really here for. Congrats! You caught me and my little companion here!" He reached behind him, pulling out a data disk.

While Irving had spoken, from the corners of your eyes you noticed a strange gooey substance leaking from cracks in the ceiling, coming down on the walls like drips of slimy paint.

"You want this??" Irving waved it around like a bone toy towards a dog. "Go on. Take it." He flung it towards the ground, as if it was a piece of trash near the soldier's foot. He gazed down at it with confusion, taking a hand off his gun for a moment to lower himself down, picking up the data disk.

A strange gargling sound interrupted the 'transition', forcing all BSAA soldiers to point upwards and around with their guns, now realizing the black slime that began to increase.

"Show's about to begin," He chuckled, quickly grabbing ahold of your arm in the process. He took off a specific direction, forcing you to follow behind him.

"Open Fire!" A series of rapid bullets chased after your feet, but managed to only graze your coat flowing behind you. Irving closed the door behind you, quickly heading towards the nearest window. He started to laugh, The noise echoed again through the entire area, forcing the soldiers to be on high alert, aiming their guns in random locations.

Irving couldn't help but continue laughing, your eyes quickly locking into what had him laughing.

Uroboros entered into the room, appearing like rapid horsehair worms from various cracks and crevices. They ran through all of the soldier's feet, leaving a trail of a thick heavy black substance, gathering in the center where the two of you once were, forming quickly by the cluster, taking form of a large six foot figure with sickly looking bulbous spots.

"We engaged the enemy!" The soldier quickly turned around, his fingers holding his earpiece, but was unprepared with what he saw. "And what... what the hell is that thing?!"

The figure let out yet another gargling screech, throwing itself down forward into the ground, causing it to separate cluster by cluster.
"We're in trouble! We need backup! Shit!"
Each maggot-like parasite headed towards a soldier, crawling up its body to draw panic into the soldier, bringing them off guard. A few managed to sneak into the ears or nose of the person, forcing a few to wildly shoot their guns into the air, killing the other soldiers. The room was filled with terrified screaming and gunfire, each man unable to defeat the hungry parasite.

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