Chapter 6

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"I'll take the light," Sheva offered, picking up the large light and the battery attached to it by heavy cords. "Stay close to me."

The tunnels were incredibly dark, making you silently thankful there was the flashlight Sheva held in her hands. Chris walked ahead, having you with your gun alongside him, staying close to Sheva while keeping a low pace.

You still didn't speak, making them think if you couldn't talk at all, or if something was done to you to prevent you from talking.

"I have to ask," Chris spoke, offering to break the silence first. "Back there, while fighting those Ganado men, how come they weren't attacking you?"

You looked over towards him, your mask against the light created a bright shine, making Chris slightly wince. You wanted to tell him the whole story, explain everything, but you couldn't. They didn't know you, and they didn't trust you, so the timing was rather imperfect.

"There have been minor reports on sightings of you around Kijuju," Sheva spoke, breaking the awkward silence you gave Chris. "A woman dressed in white with a blue eyed crow mask seen scouting from high above. You don't do much, and you don't speak much, as far as anyone could tell."

I don't have much choice in that situation.

"What exactly are you? What is your part in all of this?"

All their questions made you rather irritated quickly, forcing you to bite down on your tongue so you wouldn't lash out at the two. It's best they knew you as quiet, you wouldn't want to be admitting to anything too soon.

The walk was quickly cut short by the time the three of you stopping at a light source, showing a gate blocking your path into the main room. On the other side, it seemed like a large area with man-made platforms, stopping along certain rock points where people would've mined materials.

"I'll open the gate, you two go on ahead and crank the lever on the other side." Chris grabbed ahold of the lever on the wall, grunting slightly as he began to turn the handle, the metal gate slowly pulling open. Without warning, you quickly went under, grabbing ahold of the other lever before Sheva had a chance to, using your strength to resume pulling the lever, allowing Chris to enter before letting go.

"It's the Americans!" A man's voice echoed the entire rocky area, alarming the three of you to grab your guns. More shouts of Swahili followed after the first man, making every Majini hositile towards Chris and Sheva.

A few particular sets of words put Sheva on edge, giving you a look of disbelief and confusion. "What?!" She gasped, making your blood run cold.

"What is it? What the hell did they say?" Chris aimed his gun at the enemies coming down from the makeshift platforms, stalking closer at a rather dangerous pace.

"They're yelling out 'Queen of the Crows'".


"What??" Chris looked back at Sheva, the same emotions written all over his face. You turned away from the two of them, your free hand balling into a fist. Goddamnit!!

"That name appeared on the Kennedy Report. Why are they mentioning it here??" Sheva looked towards you, feeling the hairs on her arms rise while looking towards you. "It's what I heard back at the station as well."

Chris looked towards you, seeing how you faced away from them completely. Your right hand slowly went under your coat, reaching behind towards a particular gun hooked onto your belt.

"Hey-" Chris began, but halted as you broke off in a sprint, aiming your grapple gun towards the highest vantage point you could find. "Wait!!" Chris ran after you, but you pulled the trigger before he got close, your body already lifting off the ground. You climbed up the edge you grabbed onto, running off towards the nearest exit, leaving Chris and Sheva to fight off the hoard.

As the elevator brought you outside, you were greeted with a heavy shade of orange from the hot sun, showing a direct path towards a metal shack with large stairs leading up towards the door.

Jill was waiting on the middle steps, head snapping your direction when you arrived, stepping up on the first few steps. "Irving?"

She directed her head over. "Inside."

"Good. They're on their way. Watch Irving, I'll prepare a getaway." Jill nodded fast, jumping off the stairs towards the ground far below. You headed around the shack, dropping off to the side spotting a different car parked beside a stack of large metal pipes tied together.

You headed inside the car, appearing much more up to date than the last one, finding the keys were in the ignition the whole time. You started the car, driving over to where you were near the shack but undetectable.

Now all you could do was wait.

You sat back in your seat, pulling off your mask out of pure exhaustion. After a few moments of temptation, your hand went over and flicked a knob, allowing the AC to provide cool air to your hot skin, a relaxed sigh escaping your lips. You closed your eyes, the sun slightly shining over the hood, making the black paint of the car turn gold.

A shatter of glass disturbed your moment of peace and quiet, your hand hitting the button to unlock the doors.

"Suckers!" Irving's laugh rang throughout practically all of Africa, making you roll your eyes as you slipped the mask back on, readjusting your hood for good measure.

Jill landed on the ground, Irving quickly following after. She entered the back seat, Irving coming into the passenger's side with a gun in his hand, coughing from the smoke bomb Jill used. "Let's go, lets go!"

"Wait." Jill commanded, forcing your foot on the gas to not move.

To Irving's dismay, you had to wait at least a minute before you could drive off fast, far from the Quarry as possible.

"Oh boy, you got the AC on full blast in here," Irving once again put his feet up on the dashboard, letting out a relaxed sigh. "You have good tastes."

"What's gonna happen to them?" You asked, recieving a 'huff' and shrug from Irving as he placed his hands behind his head. "Don't know. I got surprises for them, and if they survive those, then more surprises."

"You mind telling me one of those surprises?" You asked, keeping your eyes on the road as it lead out towards the savannah. "Gladly. Imagine the Hulk right? Mixed with... Shrek, but its not green. He's a big walking old man giant with parasites, could take apart a whole town if you send him to one."

Why does that sound like El Gigante? Hm, probably is.

"At this rate, we'll be at the oil field in no time!" Irving sighed, dozing off rather quickly as you drove off into the night.

(Yeah, this is kind of short. I'm sorry.
Thing is, trying to fit your character into this Particular game is more difficult than it seems. Some chapters will be shorter, days might be a little longer. Still! Thank you for reading!)

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