Chapter 7

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A loud struggled groan rang in your ears, breaking you out of your rather uneasy sleep.

You arrived at the oil field at midnight, the area crowded with Majini who seemed to mind their own business, some dragging dead BSAA soldiers off to random locations throughout the facility. One you recognized was Captain Stone, though he didn't appear to be dead in your eyes.

You and Irving split separate ways for the night, you and Jill heading towards a private area in the building, where a large makeshift bed was created amongst a slightly dark room full of pipes and wooden boxes. The bed was actually two cots pushed together.
One single light up on the corner ceiling is what gave you the sight to see what you were doing. It smelled rather bad in the room, but it was an oil field, you had to make do.

To be honest, that bed seemed like the most comfortable surface to be on during most of the traveling you've been doing the past few days. You took off your mask and peeled off your coat, draping it over a wooden box to the side before sitting on the makeshift bed.

Jill didn't partake in the other half of the available space at first, choosing to stand by the door as if she was a personal bodyguard. You later on convinced her to join you, having her take off her mask and cloak, and fall asleep beside you.

You and Jill spent the night there while Irving went to see to some 'later paperwork', at least that's what he told you.

You opened your eyes, quickly remembering you were in that dark and terrible smelling room. The groaning got louder, making you turn your head after feeling the makeshift bed tremble beside you.

"Jill?" You sat up fast, seeing her arms lock up against her chest, her legs curl up under her as her face twisted in pain, her teeth gritting.
"(Y-Y/N)-" She attempted to speak, but another shockwave of pain cut her off, forcing yet another cry to escape her mouth.

What the hell is going on??

You grabbed ahold of her shoulders, pulling her off her side to have her lay on her back. Your hand felt the area where the device was, wincing at how hot it had gotten against the material of her suit.
You grabbed the zipper, pulling it down to where the bright red light of the machine was exposed, stopping the zipper overtop her breasts.

She let out a gasp, the pressure of the machine exposed to the cool stale air of the room felt like a moment of heaven, the pain subsiding slowly. You weren't sure what had happened, if the machine had overheated, or if it was starting to malfunction.

Jill looked to your face, her pale blue eyes full of exhaustion. "(Y/N)," your name came out as a whisper on her lips, her voice as exhausted as her eyes. "I swear... he's trying to kill me."

"I know," you sighed, turning your head away a bit. "I really wish I could take it off."

"Why can't you?"

"Because," You sat back, your back against the wall, the cold surface quickly seeking through your thin shirt. "He'll figure out what we're doing. Trust me, don't think I've tried to figure out how to take that thing off safely."

"I don't care if it's safe," she panted, attempting to sit up in her cot. "Just.. pull it out."

"No Jill, that thing is connected to your nervous system. It controls you, I don't know what'll happen if I simply pull it out-"

"Please," Her hands grabbed ahold of yours, stunning you as she moved over to your cot, looming over your legs while looking at you, the bright red light lighting up both of your complexions as her upper chest was exposed. "I don't care, just pull it out. I can't take it anymore."

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