Chapter 13 - Coronation

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Two weeks passes in the breadth of a heartbeat when you have eternity to live, and by and by the eve of Thranduil's coronation was upon Emyn Duir. Although officially still in mourning, the elven city had a tangible air of anticipation hanging over it even by sunrise on the morn. The formal proceedings would be held in the Great Lower Hall of the palace, followed by a feast organized to perfection by Maechenel, the Master of Ceremonies. For days previous the kitchens had been working overtime to prepare the extensive menu, and Maechenel himself had been overseeing the outfitting of the hall in banners of green and gold.

Anthelísse had been busy as well over the past few days. When not enjoying stolen moments with Thranduil, she devoted much of her time to the gift she planned to give the king on behalf of the Noldor. Aislinn and Iminyë had both been recruited as well, and many a night saw the elven lady and her handmaidens working by candlelight and starlight. A healer Anthelísse may first and foremost have been, but she liked to pretend that the popular Noldo talent for weaving was also within her nimble fingers.

As the sun began to set over the Black Mountains, elves started to gather throughout the city and make their way toward the square and the palace beyond. They came in all their finery, both those of rank and those of common heritage, Silvan and Sindarin alike. The great bronze doors were opened wide to welcome all the Greenwood folk. Within the halls the murmur of voices came to rise and grow like the murmur of a gilded beehive.

The gift had been finished with not a moment to spare, and Aislinn had fairly dashed around the room in the mad rush to see Anthelísse prepared for the coronation. For once Anthelísse did not interrupt her handmaiden at every turn, but submitted cooperatively to all the tugging, brushing and primping that Aislinn could muster. By the time everyone was satisfied, there was barely time for Aislinn to dress herself while Anthelísse rolled the gift and tied it with a satin ribbon.

There was a near-steady stream of elves crossing the fountain courtyard and entering the palace by the time Anthelísse and her entourage stepped out of the guest quarters. Only too happy to join the masses inconspicuously, Anthelísse led the other Noldo elves around the side of the courtyard. From beyond the great threshold there was a spilling of golden light and the music of harps. Subdued though the crowd might be, there was still a definite aura of excitement tingeing the voices and face of all. It was infectious, and Anthelísse found herself drawing in a breath as they stepped under the vaulted palace ceilings.

The Lady of the Noldor did not remain inconspicuous for long. A servant threaded his way expertly through the growing crowd in the entrance hall and bowed before her.

"Lady Anthelísse, my lord Thranduil invites you to join his mother the queen and the other nobles at the front of the Great Hall."

Anthelísse had been expecting something of the sort, but still couldn't help but feel a tiny thrill of anticipation. Such a public placing of her among the inner circles of the Woodland Realm would almost certainly set tongues to wagging. That was, assuming that they weren't already. Although she and Thranduil had not been able to find many opportunities beyond that first walk to wander the city together, no doubt it was no secret that they spent much time in one another's company.

"May I bring one of my attendants?" Anthelísse asked, feeling like she could be generous with Aislinn given how hard she had been working alongside her on Thranduil's gift. There had even been a brief respite from the other elleth's teasing as of late.

"If your ladyship so desires."

With a nod to Aislinn, Anthelísse followed as the servant guided them to a side door in the entrance hall. The other eleven Noldo whom had accompanied her were left to mingle as they pleased.

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