Chapter 28 - The Nazgûl's Talons

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"A peaceful sight, is it not?"

Gurithon had approached Thranduil with his characteristic stealth, meaning the king had had only the briefest of warnings that his Captain of the Guard was nearby. Thranduil turned away from the misty surface of Lake Evendim where he had been watching the hills ripple and dance in their own reflections.

"For now." Thranduil replied, almost wistfully. "Soon the waters of Nenuial shall run red with blood I fear."

Gurithon placed a reassuring hand on Thranduil's shoulder. "You are pessimistic, Sapling. By all reports Prince Eärnur and the men of Gondor are here in force, as are many of the Eldar of Lindon. Oren tells me that the main army will meet Angmar and his servants in the west, at which point the Gondorian cavalry shall attack Angmar's side from the hills. We need only await them and rout the survivors if they make it this far east."

"So you were actually paying attention to Eärnur's messenger when they arrived this morning? By the glaze of your eyes I would have sworn you were in reverie." Thranduil raised an eyebrow sideways at his oldest and most loyal friend.

"I can multitask with the best of them, my lord."

Despite himself, Thranduil chuckled. "Indeed." With one last look at the calm of Lake Evendim, the king of the Woodland Realm gestured toward the camp. "Come, shall we walk?"

Thranduil and Gurithon spent the remainder of the morning inspecting the encampment and the six thousand elven warriors within. Everywhere they saw blades being polished to a high gleam, armour being tested and muscles being stretched. The warriors of the Greenwood were ready for battle at any moment. According to the missive from Prince Eärnur, they could likely expect Angmar to attempt an eastern retreat sometime in the night. Very likely the armies of the Witch King and the combined forces of Gondor, the Dunedain and Lindon were even now joined in battle.

They had had some interesting news though; Imladris's contingent would meet the Woodland Realm at Lake Evendim, coming up from the south. By all reports Elrond himself would not be leading their troops; it seemed the Last Alliance had soured the half-elven lord on battle. Instead a rather legendary figure had been appointed to lead the troops in Elrond's stead; Lord Glorfindel himself. The last time Thranduil had met Glorfindel, the two of them had had a rather unfortunate misunderstanding in the courtyards of Imladris. As such, Thranduil fully intended to give Anthelísse a piece of his mind when (and if!) he returned to the Greenwood. After all it had been on Elrond's behalf that she had urged Thranduil to join the campaign in the north.

They came upon Thenniel on the edges of the encampment, hard at work warming up theirs archers for battle. The fire-headed Silvan elf had been promoted to the position of lieutenant by Thranduil after her part in detecting the threat to Emyn Duir. She greeted Thranduil with a respectful bow and Gurithon with a smile that could have melted the snow-caps of the Misty Mountains.

"Thenniel." Thranduil said. "Well then, have you decided how best to place our archers for when Angmar comes?"

Thenniel nodded. "Yes my lord." She turned and pointed to a natural tunnel formed between the Hills of Evendim. "You see that pass? It will present a perfect vantage point and high ground for engaging the retreating forces of Angmar. I have spoken with Gurithon and he agrees, we will station archers on both sides of the hills and rain our arrows down upon the filth as they flee."

"Excellent. I leave the ordering of our ranged troops to you then." Thranduil said, satisfied. "Gurithon?"

"Yes Lord Thranduil?" Gurithon asked.

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