Chapter 10 - Formalities

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After the public acknowledgement of Thranduil as King of the Woodland Realm, elves began to drift away from the main courtyard of Emyn Duir. Most if not all had their own private mourning to attend to. Many were still present though as Thranduil formally presented the Lady Anthelísse and her entourage as guests in the Greenwood.

"Naneth, may I introduce to you Lady Anthelísse, daughter of Orodreth and High Queen of the Noldor in Arda." Thranduil said, reaching out to gesture her toward his mother as she and her herald climbed the steps. It was a pretty title, 'High Queen', but when the Noldor in Middle-Earth numbered a single dozen notwithstanding those in Imladris, Anthelísse supposed it did not count for much.

Still, the late Oropher's queen bowed her head cordially. "Gil-Galad's sister. You are welcome to stay within our halls as my son's honored guest, hiril-nin."

Thranduil seemed pleased. "Lady Anthelísse, this is my mother; Queen Nellas of the Woodland Realm, formerly of Doriath."

"It is my honor to make your acquaintance, Lady Nellas." Anthelísse replied, echoing the queen's gesture. "Your son has been most generous in his offer of hospitality."

"Come, you must be weary after your long journey from the south." The queen turned away from the courtyard where the soldiers and their families were dispersing. "You must forgive me Lady Anthelísse, but I would have my son to myself for a little while at least. We have much to discuss..." Nellas's voice sounded heavy with sorrow as she laid a hand upon Thranduil's arm.

"Yes Naneth." Thranduil looked regretfully at Anthelísse, then raised a hand to summon forward a servant. The elf, a tall Silvan with hawk-like eyes darted forward from the direction of the palace. "Caladorn, see to it that the Lady Anthelísse and her folk are given quarters worthy of our best hospitality."

"As you wish hir-nin." The servant named Caladorn bowed.

"I am sorry that I must leave you for now, my lady." Thranduil said, glancing toward his mother who was now walking a few paces ahead toward the palace doors. "Would you accept an invitation to join myself and the court for dinner tonight?"

Anthelísse, who found herself unexpectedly tired and in need of solitude, did not mind the empty time between then and dinner in the slightest.

"I look forward to it, King Thranduil." She answered, turning to her followers and beckoning them forward. "Where shall I find you?"

"The Upper Halls. It is smaller than the Heartwood Hall which we usually use for feasting, but I will send a servant to guide you. Na lû e-govaned vîn..." *

"Until then." Anthelísse placed a hand to her heart and watched as the young king hurried to fall into stride alongside his mother. The pair, one short and the other tall, one dark and the other light crossed the upper courtyard and passed through the gates of the palace.

The servant, who had been waiting silently, held out an arm in the direction of a handsome building adjacent to the palace. "If you and your folk will please follow me, my lady."

They were given a handsome suite of rooms on the second floor, overlooking the courtyard and the square below. The mountains cast long shadows across the walls, and ivy twined around all the windowsills. Anthelísse was set up in the largest and grandest rooms, with each of her followers being given their own private quarters either along the same hall or one floor above. Aislinn, whom had insisted on being housed at her lady's immediate disposal came to help Anthelísse unpack and get settled.

"What think you of the Greenwood so far, Aislinn?" Anthelísse asked as she unfolded a set of sleeping robes and hung them in the spacious wardrobe.

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