Chapter 31 - As a Falling Star

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It was a dark and windy night, quickly growing darker. A thin crescent moon escaped the tendrils of cloud cover every once in a while, casting a wane glow over the ridged hilltops. A mountain stood silhouetted against the midnight sky, a jagged and forlorn peak known to most as Mount Gundabad. It was in the shadow of this mountain that small party of elves had made camp for the night.

Cloak drawn tightly about her shoulders and hood up, Anthelísse sat facing the embers of a low campfire. She knew her guards were standing alert in the darkness nearby. Still, this place had all her senses on edge. There was something about these lands, a subtle feeling that bespoke of evil. Or perhaps that was her worry for Thranduil speaking. Either way, Anthelísse knew she would find no peace in reverie tonight.

A rustle came from the edge of the firelight. Turning over on her sleeping pallet, Aislinn opened her indigo eyes. The loyal handmaiden had insisted on accompanying Anthelísse even all the way to Lake Evendim.

"Can you not rest, Anthelísse?" She asked, sitting up and shifting closer toward the fire. The shadows from the flames played across her face and cast dark hollows beneath her cheeks.

Anthelísse shook her head, drawing her cloak tighter against the chill of the November night air. "I will take no ease in this place. Were it not for the missive from the army, I could never believe that this road is the safest path open to us."

Scooting up beside the queen, Aislinn followed Anthelísse's gaze into the glowing embers. "This is the fastest road though, is it not? All the better for us to reach the king's side as soon as possible."

"Yes..." Anthelísse let out a long breath and touched her forehead to her knees. "Oh Aislinn, it pains me beyond bearing to know that Thranduil is suffering so far away. If I could run the rest of the way and be there by tomorrow's eve I would do it!" She turned her head to smile ruefully at her oldest friend and most faithful servant. "And I am missing Legolas."

Aislinn reached out to wrap an arm around Anthelísse's shoulders. The warmth of the two elf women helped to keep the chill of night at bay somewhat.

"I will wager every piece of jewelry I own that Legolas is even now being spoiled by Galion and Daeris with too many sweets from the kitchens. And I imagine he is playing with his dogs, and begging Daerchon for just one more story before bed."

Anthelísse managed a wane smile. She was not the carefree maiden Aislinn had accompanied from Nargothrond all those years ago. There was less of Finduilas's easy humour in her bearing and more of Gil-Galad's refined poise. Anthelísse was a now fully ripened into her full potential as a queen, as a wife and as a mother, Aislinn realized. The realization made her wonder just how much she herself had changed over the centuries. Unlike mortals, the Eldar wore their ages in their hearts rather than on their faces.

The tone of the crickets chirping changed suddenly, and Aislinn saw one of their guards stiffen. The elf reached for his knives...but never made it; the black dart in his neck prevented any such heroics. Another guard managed to cry out before being jumped by two dark figures from the brush.

"Yrch!" (Orcs!)

From all sides, orcs poured into the campsite. Their horrid squeals and growls shattered the night. It was too chaotic to be sure, but it looked like they outnumbered the elves by four to one at least.

"Lady Anthelísse, flee!" One of the guards cried just as he was stabbed from behind. The orc struck again and hooted with malicious glee as the elf crumpled forward onto the cold ground.

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