Chapter 1

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3rd Person Point of View

It just an average day in the Hemmings house hold, Andrew packing for work, Liz trying to get Luke out of bed so he can get to his interviews on time and their only daughter Ashleigh just sitting at the kitchen counter having breakfast before school starts.

Ever since Luke’s band 5 Seconds of Summer it has taken all the attention away from Ash to Luke, Liz is always away touring with the boys and Ash is left at home with Andrew, every now and then stays with Ben or Jack.

Ash as she likes to be called new from day one that Luke would become famous and get to travel the world and the attention she had before Luke become famous would die down.

Ash she happens to be best friends with Lauren Irwin Ashton Irwin younger sister they both met through their brothers and have been friends since Ash joined the band.  (A/N I know Lauren in not 16, it for the sake of the story)

Ashleigh Point of View

“Bye hunny” mum said running after Luke out the door

“Bye” I said

“Have a good day at school” dad said picking his keys up of the table and walking towards the door

I finish of my breakfast and washed up a couple of plates, I grab my school bag and phone and head out the door locking it after me. I make the 10 minute walk to school and meet up with Ali and Chelsea.

“Hey” Ali said with excitement

“Hey” I said with a sigh at the end

“What’s up?” Chelsea asked

“Luke it’s all about Luke that who everyone cares about Luke this, Luke that” I said

“C’mon it can’t be that bad you are the sister of “Luke Hemmings” Chelsea said

“And I am sure Ben and Jack care about you” Ali said

“Yeah I guess so c’mon let’s get to class before we get yelled at for being late” I said

We made our way to class and sat down in our seats waiting for class to start, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket I pulled it out and it was a text from Luke. I saw the teacher walk in I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket and paid attention to the teacher, only a few more weeks till Christmas break.


Thank god that it is finally lunch the first three classes were boring as hell and I happen to have the most popular girls in our year level in all those classes.

“When are staying at Ben’s or Jack’s?” Ali asked

“I think this weekend Luke and mum are going to the UK for band stuff and they are doing a few shows” I said playing with my food

“Lighten up” Chelsea said

“I can’t” I sort of yelled

I got up from my seat and pick up my tray and walked over to the bin and chucked out my food and headed for the Hemmings “secret” spot at the back of the school.

Chelsea Point of View

“I didn’t mean it that way” I said to Ali

“I know I think she is just finding it hard” Ali said

“What should we do?” I asked

“I have known Ash since 7th grade and she has have been having this hard time since Luke become famous, I guess it’s time to tell you the story” Ali said

 “I remember it like the back of my hand, it was first day of 7th grade and I saw Ash standing with Liz, Andrew, Ben, Jack and Luke. She was holding hands with Luke and had a scared look on her face, they were both in the uniform, I think Luke was about 14 she would not let go of his hand and he had to get to class. I was standing with my parents and I could see that she was nervous, I walked over to Ash and introduced myself to her.

We found out that we were in the same class for every subject, and I noticed once a week she would disappear off somewhere and I had no idea where she was. I asked around I ended up having to ask Calum where Luke was and he would always say “somewhere with Ash”.

I found out they had a spot in the school called the “Hemmings secret spot” and they would go there once a week and just hang out and nobody knows where it is till this day. But once Luke left because of 5SOS Ash still would disappears, she was super close to Luke before fame came some people mistaken them for being a couple they were that close she has been taking after Luke’s steps with singing and playing guitar and let me say she is amazing.”

“Are they still close?” I interrupted

“Their close but not as close as they use to be, that’s why Ash has been upset lately and disappears more than she used to. Her other best friend Lauren Ashton younger sister she keeps me updated on Ash when I don’t see Ash because there was this time where Ash didn’t come to school for a whole week it was the first time Luke went away and she was staying with Ben and she wouldn’t come out of her room, I have tried everything to get her to be a bit more happy but nothing is working.

She knew that something would happen with her relationship with Luke but she never thought it would be this bad”

She finished of the little story till I remember what happened this morning

 “I think Luke must of texted her this morning because normally she would text back but she left it all day”

“Yeah she normally ignores Luke’s text messages” Ali said

“Since Luke has been traveling back and forth from the UK and LA she has been staying with Ben or Jack a lot and it has been hard for her” Ali said

“Well what should we do?” I asked

“Call Lauren” Ali said

She pulled out her phone and put in her number we waited a few seconds till she picked up

“Hey Lauren” Ali said

“Hey, how is Ash?” she asked

“She had a moment” Ali said

“Oh no I am seeing her after school so maybe I can bring a smile to her face” Lauren said

We talked to Lauren for a little longer till we had to go, we walked back to our locker and got our books for the last class and when we walked into the room Ash was sitting her where we normally sit writing down something in a note book.

Once we got closer she looks up and saw us coming and quickly shut the book and put it in her bag. I wonder what that book is about we sit down next to her and she give us a small smile and we wait for the teacher to arrive.

Thanks for reading it probably doesn’t make much sense but here is what I am trying to say if you don’t understand.

Ash was very close to Luke before he joined 5SOS but once he got more popular and had to drop out of school and be schooled at home Ash found it hard not having her brother there. But once 5SOS started touring and going overseas a lot more than normal she felt like she got left behind because Liz would always be with Luke and Andrew was always at work. So she spent a lot of time with her older brothers.

Ali and Lauren her closet friends know the full story but Chelsea is new to the group and is still trying to understand why Ash has these moments at the most randomise times. They are trying to help and get her back to her normal self and be that outgoing Ashleigh they used to know.


I hope you are trying to see what I am trying to saying, it will make more sense it coming chapters so stay tuned. 

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