Chapter 19

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Luke Point of View

The past few days have been super stressful, both Lauren and Ash have come down with some kinds of flu and when you have two teenage girls sick it's not a pretty sight. School work has started to come in so they have been spending most of their time do that.

Manager has told us to try and keep a distance because we can't get sick because it could ruin a few shows. I tried to argue back and tell them that we need to make sure they are ok we can't just leave them there without help.

It's alright for Lauren she can call home every now and then but Ash she can call Ben and Jack but she was always close with mum and she could call her whenever she wants. I can always hear her sleep talking and most of the time it has something to do with mum or dad.

Currently the boys and I have just finished up some song writing and we are heading back to the bus to see the girls, when a group of fans spot us and ask for some photos and to sign things. Ash said that she would text many every few hours to say if she needed anything.

I checked my phone and there was no text or missed call from her, when I got into the bus there was not even a sound. I walked to the back of the bus to where Ash and Lauren's room was. When I walked in there were books everywhere and just a pile of blankets.

I could see the figure of their bodies under their all the blankets, I walk over to Ash and carefully move it back so she could have some fresh air. When I pulled the blanket back she looked terrible, her skin was pale and it looked like she was shivering.

I carefully picked her up bridal style and walked to the front to the bus and telling the boys that we need to get to the hospital now. Ashton went and checked on Lauren and came back saying that she looked not as bad but will bring her as well.

One of the tour mangers orders us an ambulance and we wait patiently for it to arrive. Once it arrived that put Ash and Lauren on the beds and Ashton and I rode with them to the hospital. Michael and Calum was going to wait back on the tour bus.

The doctors ran some test on both the girls and they came back with just having a bad case of the flu. The girls would have to stay over-night so they could monitor them and make sure it doesn't get worse. Ashton and I set up the bed that the room provided.

The next morning the girls looked a lot better, since they were put on IV antibiotics. They were discharged that day and we just made it back in time for us boys to have to go and practise. Also basically Ash and I got a whole lecture of how we should have not stayed.

Ash and I basically had the some comments on how were the responsibility for our sisters, and we have to be there for them. But he was not taking it one bit gosh why do mangers have to be tough. What happened if someone in their family?

I went and picked up my guitar and went and stood at my mic waiting to rehearse. I was in a crap mood why does all mangers have to put me in a bad mood. As I was rehearsing I think I saw Ash walking around backstage with her blanket wrapped around her.

We rehearsed for another few minutes till we called it break, I saw Ash sitting on the boxes that were placed near out guitar racks and she had the blanket wrapped around her and over her head. You could just see a little light I guess it was coming from her phone.

I sat down next to her and pulled back the blanket so I could see her face, I could tell that she was wearing makeup that she hasn't washed off. I looked over her shoulder and saw that she was going through twitter and just responding to some fans and following a few fans.

I checked to make she was ok and if she needed anything, but she seems that she is alright. I take out my phone and take a picture of Ash wrapped up in her blankets.

@Luke5SOS: Sick days on tour @ashleighhemmings

Once I sent it out, she looked up at me and gave me a glare, I just laughed and gave her a hug. I said that Lauren is slowly getting better but she decided that she would stay in the bus. She said that she was going to skype Anne-Marie and Harry.

Ash told me that she wanted to talk to Ben and Jack but the time zones are a pain, because they are either in bed, work or they are doing something. But I have been in contact with them and they would tell me when they are free and we can skype them or well Ash can.

After break I went back on stage and finished the rest of the set and went over a few things, we left the stage and the 1D boys came and ran through their set. I went back to the bus and chilled out for a bit, while we wait to have to go back and do sound check.

I went into the back area and Lauren and Ash were sitting on the couch with the Xbox just playing COD, and let me tell you for a girl she knows how to play COD. For Michael it is his worst nightmare to playing with Ash because she always wins.

The boys come in and we sit around on the lounges and we just relax for a bit, normally we never have this much time but since we had no interviews today, we just lounged around. But I am sure tonight concert is going to be awesome.

I hope something happens tonight that is funny because last night, Ashton broke his drums like it's the first night and you have already broken them. Let's just home that does not happen again because that will be terrible, actually it will be quite funny to watch.


Thanks for reading

I will hope you like it and note that I do not know how to play COD so don't blame me if I get anything wrong about video games I am not much of a video games person.

Peace out!!


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