Chapter 9

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Ashleigh Point of View

I told the boys that we had to be home, so we got up from our spot in the park and made our way back to the house. The boys decided that they would just stay the night. It wasn’t too dark at the moment so we decided that it would be fun to do a camp out. Lauren and I set our tent up before the boys and they had more man power than we did. They wanted to try and do it without instructions but I guess that was a huge fail since they are still trying to put polls together.

We offered help but they wanted to go it themselves, in the end we ended up helping them because they were not getting anywhere soon. It was actually pretty funny we had a camp out late into the night the mum and dad came out we just told funny and childhood memories. Luke and I keep competing with each other to tell the best funniest story that we had so we could embarrass each other. Lauren, Harry and Ashton were doing the same thing so was Calum and Mali and Michael was sulking because he didn’t have any siblings, I thought it would be funny to tell this story.

Ash telling the story

Luke has just started posting videos on YouTube nobody knew at all not even mum or dad they just thought that he was in his room singing to himself. And every time I would come in and he would be recording he would suddenly just shut his computer and act like nothing was happening at all it was actually quite funny, you should have seen his face. So one day when he was recording I snuck into his room as quite as possible without making a sound and I sat in the cover of the room waiting for him to finish his cover Jersey- Mayday Parade. Once he was done I started to clap,

Just wait here it were it gets funny

“Hey it was not funny I could have died” Luke complained

“Hey! You are no dead so Ash continue” Liz said


Ok so I started to clap and Luke spun around on his chair but a tad too fast and just completely spun of it and landed face first of the floor, he kind of broke his guitar which he was not too happy about it. Mum walked in and looked between both of us and looked and Luke at why he was on the ground. All Luke would complain about how I was in his room without his permission he stills hold that to me.

I have no idea if that was funny or not but the boy’s thought that it was funny.

“How did Liz find out about your channel” Ashton asked

“I have no idea she just come up and told me” Luke said

“Um… I have been holding this for ages but I…”I tried getting out

“You what?” Luke asked

“I told mum about your YouTube channel” I said

“Oh, that’s it” Luke said

He walked over to me and picked me up over his shoulder and started to walk towards the pool, I started kicking him to put me down but he would not budge. I then felt my phone in my pocket and I quickly pulled it out and threw it to Lauren who just caught it in a split of a second.

I then felt the impact of the water and hitting my head on the bottom of the pool and that’s was it.

Luke Point of View

Once I threw Ash in I saw her go to the bottom but I could not see her coming up, I quickly jumped in and retrieved her from the water but she was not breathing at all. I started to panic what have I done, Lauren called the ambulance and mum tried to do CPR on her. The ambulance came and they got her breathing but she was still unconscious. I got in the ambulance with mum and Ash and went to The Children's Hospital at Westmead. Once we got there they took her through and that’s all I remember.

The nurse came out and took mum and me into an interview room.

“Now would you like to tell me what happened?” she asked

“Well it was a little fun and games but I didn’t know that it was going to end up like this so I threw her into the pool which was probably the stupidest thing ever”

“Ok thanks” she said

“So there is good news and bad which one first?” she asked

“Bad” I said

“Well she is currently in a coma and we don’t know for how long and we have no idea if she will remember anything but it will only be temporary, now for good she is in good health everything is fine” she said

“Can we go see her?” I asked

She took us to her room and there she was lying in the bed looking pale and having wires coming out of her, I walked over to her and pulled up a chair next to her bed. I grabbed her hand and placed it in mine. What have I done I was never meant to hurt her, mum placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me some times alone.

“Ash, if you can hear me I am super sorry for doing this to you, I never thought that it would get this far. I hope you remember me and the boys and Lauren, I am terribly sorry, Ash I love you to bits but I didn’t want this to go too far, ok I am just repeating myself I am going to stay here until you wake up I will put everything on hold I am not going to go on tour until you come with me this was time to bond.”

“Luke here is a change of clothes I got dad to bring in these just spend as much time as you want here, I am only a phone call away and let us know if anything happens” mum said

I took them of her and placed them in the cupboard, and just set up the bed that was next to her this is going to be a long few days maybe even weeks but I will do anything to see my sister smile again and see her blue eyes or hear her run her fingers over the guitar and hear those drums at 2am in the morning. What have I done?


What's going to happen?   

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