Chapter 5

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The next day 

Ash Point of View

"Ash it's time to get up"

"Ash get the hell up we are going to be late"

"That's it"

I feel the blanket being ripped of my body and I try to keep myself warm but there is nothing to keep myself warm with. I sit up and see that Ali is standing at the end of my bed. I looked at the clock at it read 8:00 and we had to be at school in 30 minutes. (A/N I start school at 8:20am) I raced out of bed and ran around getting my uniform on and fixing my hair up. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a banana to eat and was about to run out the door and Ali was in a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked 

"We don't have to be at school for another hour I just changed your clock to make it look like we were late" she said laughing 

I threw the closest thing to me and it was a pillow and it hit her square in the face and made take a few steps back. After that little time mix up we actually sat down and had a nice breakfast before we had to leave.

“Do you think Chelsea will gang up on us today?” Ali asked

“I hope not she was the one in the wrong” I said 

“Yeah now she is going to go around and tell everyone the story” Ali said 

“I am super sorry if I knew I would not off told her” Ali said looking sad

“Hey it’s not your fault we didn’t know” I said 

We continued to walk the familiar path to school, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out and it was a text from Lauren.

From:  Lauren Irwin

To: Ashleigh Hemmings

Can you meet me outside school, just you don’t bring anyone

From:  Ashleigh Hemmings 

To: Lauren Irwin

Yeah sure, everything alright 

From:  Lauren Irwin

To: Ashleigh Hemmings

No, not really that’s why I need you

From:  Ashleigh Hemmings 

To: Lauren Irwin

 I’ve got to go talk later

Ali and I continued to school and outside was Chelsea and she was hanging with the popular girls of our grade. One is Aleisha McDonald Luke’s ex-girlfriend we never really got along.

“Well who do we have here Miss Hemmings and Miss Smith” Chelsea said with a smirk

“Shut it Scarlett” I said 

“I’m coming over for dinner tonight your mum invited the family” Aleisha said 

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