Chapter 17

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Ash Point of View

After running out and thinking I saw mum when I didn’t really, Luke sat down with me on one of the couches and we talked about things. The rest of the boys and Lauren came and we just sat around and talked about random things.

It was starting to get late and we were all hungry, we looked at each other and ran to the bus driver and asked where we could get some food. He told us that we are heading into town and found some food.

We looked around for what felt like forever trying to find something nice to eat. The boys being boys wanted to go out and find something outgoing. Lauren and I gave up and just went into the nearest Chinese food and ordered some takeaway.

After getting some food we met up with the boys and went back the bus to finish of the food. Later that night I changed into some nice and warm PJ’s and hopped in the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of nothing, there was not a sound in the bus at all. I looked out the window and saw that we were outside of a radio station. Lauren come out dressed and decided that we would crash their interview.

I got changed into some jeans and one of Luke’s band shirts and put on my black converses and a flannel shirt.

“You look like a mini Luke” Lauren said

“Wait I have something for you” I said

I ran into the lounge room and found one of Ash’s bandana and place it on Laurens head.

“Mini Ash” I said

“Let’s go and crash this interview” I said

We walked out of the bus and into the radio studio and looked around for the room the boys were in. we just walked around and finally found the boys, we could see straight into their interview, the interviewer saw us and I put my finger to my lips to gesture to be quiet.

 “So Ash and Luke what’s it like to have your sisters on tour with you?” the interview asked

“It’s actually really fun, they are always together, then something gang up together and do pranks on us” Luke said

“But they do get very grumpy I always think that they are on their period” Ash says

The same staff member hands us a microphone, so we could comment back to the boys. I decided to have some fun and Lauren and I sat down so we were out of sight.

“Hey wats up, it’s Mini Luke and Mini Ash” I said into the mic

I peaked over the window and saw the boys looking terrified, they were looking at each other scared.

“aww, don’t be scared” Lauren said

“We are not scared” Calum said

“You sure about that” I said

I looked at Lauren and we decided that we would just leave the boys hanging and ran out and back to the bus and just jumped back onto the couch and pulled out my phone.

A while later the boys came in and the looked like they have just seen a ghost.

“What’s up mate?” I asked

“Oh, nothing maybe you pranked us?” Ash said

“What, where did you get that from” I said trying to hold in a laugh

“Mini Luke and Mini Ash” Calum said

“What it’s true” I said

“It is” Luke said

For the rest of the afternoon we kept moving and we ended up outside of this really nice apartment. We all moved in and started unpacking, the boys had to go out and meet with their manager and talk about the tour.

I guess this is what it’s going to be like for this next couple of weeks, the house being silent only a few boys in the house at a time since they have started song writing. Lauren and I went out shopping to buy some food to eat and decided to make some dinner.

Later that night the boys came home and they talked about the plan for the tour and schooling for both of us. After dinner we cleaned up and went into the lounge room and sat down and watched whatever was on the T.V

I really am going to miss these late family nights with the boys once tour starts up. I guess this is what my life is going to be like, living in the shadows of Luke my famous brother. The charmer every girl loves, who wouldn’t.

I signed up for this and I always promised Luke that I will be there for him every step of the way, and as a sibling promise I cannot back out. Luke was there for me in the tough time and I am going to be there for him.

I didn’t realise that I was in my own little world until Luke clicked his fingers in front of my face, and gave me are look that I have seen many times before. Why does my life have to be tough, why can’t I just live like a normal teenage life and not worry about have stories made up about you.


Hey Guys,

Sorry this chapter is a bit boring and nothing interesting happens. I wanted to get an update up for you guys but I promise the next chapter will have a bit more interesting information. Because that’s when the tour will start and that means I can add more interesting things into it.

But for now this is basically a fill in chapter before I upload a new chapter. I am also think about changing the name of this story but I don’t know, tell me what you think.

I have been think of “Long way Home” as the new name because it if Ash wanted to go home it would be a long way home. But I haven’t fully decided yet. But tell me what you think because your option counts as well not just mine.

I just want to think you guys because it feels like yesterday I just starting writing this chapter and I thought that this was not going to get anywhere but what a surprise 3.6k reads later never thought it would happen.

None of this would happen without you guys.

Love you all and thanks you for reading this and voting, feedback is always welcome and questions, they are always welcome through my inbox or twitter I am happy to answer anything.

My twitter is

-          @Infinityhemmo7

I am always happy to answer any question you maybe have.

Happy reading





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