Chapter 18

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Ash Point of View

Weeks later

Tonight would be the first show the boys would be playing at the opening act for 1D. I’ve met the boys a few times and they are super nice. The boys were currently warming up and I could just feel like there were nerves in the air.

“5 MINUTES TILL SHOW 5SOS” a crew manger yelled

Lauren and I walked with the boys to side of stage and gave them the best of luck, the boys go out and just look like they are enjoying this whole experience and we are only about half way into their set and it’s only the first show the “Take me Home tour”.

After the show the sweaty teenage boys run of the stage and they see Lauren and I standing there waiting for them, they give us a look and I can tell they are going to come in for a hug. I look and at Lauren and started sprinting off in a different direction.

I had no idea where I was going until I ran into someone, and with the hard impact I feel backwards.

“WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!” He yelled at me

“Sorry” I said

“Who even are you?” he asked

“Oh, I’m Ashleigh Hemmings” I said

“Yeah right, get out!” he said dragging me to a door and throwing me outside

I heard the door click and that’s when I knew that I had to somehow get back in, I didn’t have my phone with me. I knew that I was doomed and I had no backstage pass or anything.

Luke Point of View

I lost the sight of Ash and I could not find her anywhere, I walked into the dressing room and saw the boys and Lauren looking worried.

“Where’s Ash?” I asked

“We have no idea mate” Cal said

“She left her phone here, so I have no way of contacting her” Lauren said

“Where the hell has she gone then?” I asked

I started yelling and looking around the room probably looking like a headless chook, until a security guard came in and asked what’s wrong

“Have you seen a girl about this tall” I motioned with my hand

“Blue eyes, blondish, brownish hair” I asked

“That must have been your sister” he said

“You have seen her?” I asked

“Yeah, I kicked her out because she ran into me and I thought she was some fan” he said

“Where is she?” I kinda yelled

He just shrugged his shoulders and left the room. The boys, Lauren and I all went outside and on a search for Ash but I could not see her anywhere. I am sure that girl could have not gone far, she hardly knows her way around here.

I then decided that she could be on the bus, I ran over to it and it’s unlocked I get on and the lights are off. I walked around went to her section of the bus but she wasn’t there. Lauren and the boys have gone back in and see if they can find her.

I head back into the venue hoping to find her, I walked past out area near the stage and saw a figure sitting on the ground with a guitar in their hands. I could see the faint colour of blonde hoping that it is Ash. I called out her name and she turned around placing the guitar back on its stand.

She jumped into my arms and hold on tightly, words probably cannot explain how she must have felt. I could feel her shaking, she must be terrified. I let her go and look her in the eyes and place a kiss of her fore head and giving her a tighter hug.

“You will be fine” I said

“I was so scared” she said

“Everything will be ok you are safe now” I said

“It could happen again” she said

“It won’t I will make sure of that” I said

Ash and I continued to watch the 1D boys from side of stage, I am so excited for this tour best having my lil sis on tour with us as well. But I know there is going to be lots of ups and downs. I can still tell the Ash’s memory has not fully recovered and she is still trying to get over mum and dads death.

But I am going to be here for my sister and help her pull through but I know that it is going to take time, I can’t just force it on her. Her and Lauren online schooling starts soon and I know that she is not going to like it one bit.

The only hard bit is when she has to go back to OZ and to her exams, but I guess I will have to wait and see how that goes, all I hope is that we will all be fine and nothing is going to go wrong because I hate when that happens.

Just look on the bright side I have my sister and my three best mates and I am happy.


Thanks for reading

I really hope you like it so far, since I have started to know write about the tour it is going to get more and more interesting than before.

I just want to thank you for 4.4K reads you have no idea how much this means to me. I know I keep saying this but I never thought this would actually get far, but look at it now. The next chapter may be delayed because it’s going to a long weekend in Australia where I am and I may not have internet to update and I don’t think I will be taking my laptop with me.

But there should be a chapter up sometime next week but I will try and find time.

Thank you for all the support that I have had through this book and thank you to @RunningToTheFuture, for update ideas and just being there for me. We are always talking about what we should talk about next and secretly start writing the next story update in our English class.

 Shhh don’t tell our teacher that we are writing fanfiction and not something to do with A Midsummer Night Dream. I would always pick to write stories over something boring, maybe who knows I will become a famous writer or something, who knows what will happen in the future.

I always get told that anything can happen, maybe if a dream and wish a bit the dream may come true, but I’m still young I haven’t even finished school yet.

Peace out


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