Chapter 21

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Calum Point of View

It has been a few hours since Luke and Ash stormed out of the bus and into the city of London. I have attempted calling them but it kept going straight to their voicemail. We were all starting to get worried since we have not heard from them and it’s getting closer to sound check.

Ashton, Michael and Lauren have already headed to the arena to go and start to get ready for the sound check. As for me I was basically pacing back and forth, stressing that something has happened to them. It felt like forever until I saw them walk through the door

But they were not in a good mood, Ash walked in and made her way to the back of the bus before coming back out in a different set of clothes, and started heading towards the arena where I am guessing she is meeting Lauren.

But for Luke it was another story, he walked up to me and gave me a smile I thought her was going to say something but nope. It was strange something I have never seen him do before. He made his way down the hall and come back with more casual clothes, he then started heading off towards the arena.

I got up and followed Luke off the bus and into the arena, it was a surprise that there were no fans around. Normally there are really dedicated ones who get here the night before maybe they are at another gate. I walked through the back door and round the back of the stage to where out guitars were stored. 

After sound check I could feel the tension in the air and I could just cut though it with my scissors. I knew that I was in the wrong and I kept pushing it, I think that’s the worst argument Luke and I have ever had while being in the band. 

Later that night are we finished playing our cover of Teenage Dream, I knew this when I have to say what I have to say. I managed to get Lauren and Ash in with lots of convincing and I somehow ended up in a deal with Ash what have I got myself into.

There was photos of Luke and I playing on the screen behind us.

I walked up to the mic and took a deep breath

“Mate, I’m sorry for what happened today, I was in the complete wrong and I know I pushed it too far” I said

 “Mate, I am also very sorry I just over reacted” he butted in

That’s when he walked over to me and gave me a hug, everyone started screaming and I could tell her was starting to laugh, because we were that silly and I made a huge deal out of apologising. We finished the night off with everything that happened today behind us and in the past.

We ran off stage with lots of energy and it was great to have Luke not mad at me anymore, it actually felt terrible to know that your best friend probably hates your guts. But that deal that I had with Ash is going to haunt me.

Ash decided that it would be a good idea that she can do whatever she likes to me for the next few months, and with a mind like Ash anything can happen. But she hasn’t told me when this was going to start.

I was heading back to my dressing room to hang out with the boys for a little while, but as soon as I opened the door a bucket of water fell right on top of me, I looked up and saw Ash and Lauren there with their phones out laughing their heads off.

“There is more to come” Ash said with a smirk

The boys walked in another door and I heard another splash I turned around and they were coved in water from head to toe.

“I thought we made a deal” I said

“Well I can always stretch the deal” she said and ran out the room

“Mate what deal did you make with Ash?” Luke asked

“I said she can do whatever she likes to me for the next few months if she helped me out” I said

“You know when you say that she takes it as she can do it for all of us” Luke said

“Oh well” I said

“Just wait she has that many tricks up her sleeves” Luke said

That’s when I knew how much trouble I actually got me and guys in. I knew that Ash does takes things the next step further and water from the bucket on the door it only the start, and there is more to come.

Now once Luke told me that I am going to have to sleep with one eye open, who knows what pranks she is going to come up with in that mind of hers, she may had memory loss be she always know how to play a trick.

Ash Point of View

Lauren and I run back to the bus and started sort out the next prank, I heard this one about putting hair dye in their shampoo. I knew that this one is for Luke I looked around to try and find some hair dye after I found some but it was long wear.

Lauren and I looked at each other and knew we had to run to the store, I grabbed my wallet and we ran to the local store and find some temporary dye. I looked through them all when I knew that pink was the best.

We paid and ran all the way back to the bus, we went into Luke’s section and found his shampoo and conditioner and replaced it with hair dye, we didn’t waste any shampoo or conditioner he never has a full container  we just mixed them together.

I also added some permeant dye to make it stay long, this is going to be the best prank that I have ever thought off. The boys later came back later and went and had showers, this is when I knew that the reaction will be priceless. 

When Luke came back from the shower he had bright pink hair and he had not noticed. The boys started cracking up and Luke had no idea what we were laughing about.

“What!” he asked

“Check yourself out” I said

He walked into the small bathroom and I just heard screaming


That’s when I knew I had to make a run for it, I jumped up and sprinted out the door and he was head on my heels but I was smart enough to know how to get away from him. I can’t wait to see what this tour brings.

And the opportunity that I have been given, not many 16 year olds get to go on tour around the world and learn different things other than in a class room. But I guess if stayed the way I was and never let Luke back in.

I would still be sitting in the house that we never sold, and complaining about how my life is crap. I would not have this any other way.


Sorry this may not be very interesting but imagine Luke with pink hair ok anyway. I don’t want to put all the exciting information in one hit but now I feel like I am dragging this story out but wait someone is going to be making an appearance and wanting to be friends again can you guess who it is?

Here is the list of people who may be coming back and wanting their friendship back with Ash or maybe even Lauren.

·         Ali Smith

·         Chelsea Scarlett

·         Ex- Boyfriend

·         The Popular friends from school

·         Ex- Best Friends

Or maybe someone not on the list


Happy Reading



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