Chapter 22

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Ash Point of View

I was standing backstage with Lauren watching the boys perform, I felt my phone in my back pocket start buzzing like crazy. I pulled it out and it was a text from an unknown number.

From: unknown

To: Ashleigh Hemmings

The boys did great tonight xx

From: Ashleigh Hemmings

To: unknown

Who is this?

From: unknown

To: Ashleigh Hemmings

Someone one you will find out later

I nudged Lauren and motioned toward my phone, she had a confused look on her face before giving me a scared look. This is so creepy could it be someone that I know but they have changed their number.

The boys were halfway through their set before they were able to come off. They never texted me back after I their last message. Luke still had his bright pink hair and the fans were loving it.

When Luke came off I showed him the messages and he was more scared than I was. They even tried ringing me but I was too scared to answer the phone. I ended up blocking the number.

But somehow this person has managed to find every social media that I own, I have a strange feeling that I know who this person but why are the contacting me, they are the ones to leave.

Ali Smith or could it be Chelsea Scarlett she was the one using me because of Luke's fame. But the way they are texting it doesn't sound like any one of them. But who could it be.

I started pacing the dressing room, the same number kept calling everybody number and after blocked them some other phone kept ringing. I am guessing this person has some sort of contact with us.

We headed back to the bus and this was the last night in London and we are moving onto Glasgow. It is going to be a long trip and we had to get head start if we wanted to get there in time.

We all went back to the bus and changed into some different clothes, and went and sat in the back of the bus and turned on a movie. About half way through the movie everyone started heading to bed.

The boys went off to their bunks and Lauren and I headed to our beds at the back, the text messages started coming back, I turned my phone off hoping they will give up. But why does this person want me.

The next morning we were about half way to Glasgow and bus fever was starting to hit us. The boys were starting to get hyped up, it's like they had some sort of sugar this morning.

"Guys call down" I said

"What?" Calum questioned

"You have been hit with a silly stick" Lauren said

"What no I haven't" Calum said

"Yes you have" I said

This went on for a while until Ashton stepped in to shut us up. In a flash a time we arrived to the hotel where we were staying and we got out suitcases and ran in so we would not get caught by fans.

The boys were in one room and Lauren and I were in another. We went to the roof top and looked out and it was busy down on the main street, the rooftop had a pool but it was really cold.

In a split of a seconds Lauren and I landed in the pool, I swam up to the surface and saw the boys laughing my clothes were soaked and my hair was everywhere. I put my hand up for one of the boys to give me a hand.

Calum offered to help me but I pulled him in and we went over my head and landed in the water. The boys could not stop laughing, Lauren jumped out and pushed Luke, Michael and Ashton in.

They had a serious face on but cracked a laugh, hope they didn't have their phones in the pockets.

'Lucky I don't have my phone on me" Luke said

"Or I will be dead" I said

"You are correct" he said

After our little swim we started to head back to the hotel room but the boys decided that that wanted to go run around the hotel. But they were soaking but they didn't care, not my problem if they get sick.

After about an hour of trying to get the boys to calm down, we finally managed them to head back to their room to change into some warmer clothes. We all gathered down in the lobby to head out for a nice dinner.

After waiting for the boys they finally turned up and we headed out to find a nice place to eat and talking about what is going to happen. There were a few fans but no many, it was actually quite peaceful to be able to walk around without getting stopped.

Later that night we headed back to the hotel and changed into out PJ's and went to bed it is going to be a long night tomorrow, two shows here in Glasgow before move onto Cardiff which will be nice.

The next morning Lauren and I woke up to the room phone ringing.

"Hello" this person said

"Um... who is this?" I asked

"You don't need to know" they said

"Have you been the person texting and calling me?" I asked

"Maybe" they said

"This is no fun and games could you please stop you are like a stalker you happen to know where I am" I said

"You will soon find out who I am but you will have to wait, and I am holding a secret that will change your life forever" they said

"You are such a creep" I said and hung up

I face Lauren and she had a concerned look on her face.

"Same person" I said

"This is getting out of hand" Lauren said

"I know but who do I tell, and this is person is holding a secret that could change my life" I said

"Could it be the person that killed your parents, I know it hard but they never found the person" Lauren said

"I know its fine I need to build confidence they said that there was a third person in the accident but they were not found" I said

"Come on lets head to the police station and see if they can track anything" she said


Wonder who this mystery person is? They want to cause trouble, the mystery person will be known soon. But who do you think this person is?

The drama will start to unfold, Ash thought that this was going to be a breeze but things has started to unfold and truths will be told and friendships will be broken. You will find out who in the next few chapters.

Happy Reading


P.S thanks for 6k reads

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