Chapter 23

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Ash Point of View

Lauren and I made our way to the local police station to see if they could work out who this unknown number is. After sitting around for what felt like hours when it probably was only like half of that time. An officer called us into a booth to have a talk.

We gave him all the information that we had and he left the room to see he can find any information that can help us work out who this mysterious person is. The officer came back with a pile of papers that must have information on them. 

He sat down and sucked in a deep breath this sound like it is not going to be good news. He told us that he has somehow tracked down the number but it leads to California. I started to think long and hard about who would have my number.

After thinking for ages it finally popped into my head "Ali" she said that she was moving to Cali after Christmas and we had this huge fight and her getting jealous because she was not getting invited to things I was doing with the boys.

We thanked the officer and walked out of the police station, I called the number that the officer has given me and waited for this line to connect, I could be facing Ali Smith my best friends of years or some crazy stalker. 

I waited for this call to connect my heart was beating at a million miles an hour I was terrified to know what could be learking on the other side of this call. 

"Hello" someone asked

"Ali" I said 

"Who is this?" they asked

"This is Ashleigh Hemmings" I said

"Hi Ash I am guessing you have worked out that I have been the one calling you for the past month and getting you on the edge of things and deciding to take it into your own hands and find out who this person is that has been texting you like crazy, well now you have found me I can finally tell you the secret that I have been holding for many months" she said 

"Spit it out Alison" I said 

"Well if you must know, I saw what happened that night your parents got killed I was walking home late one night and it was dark and quiet, until I hear a car speeding down the road oh and take note that it was also wet. So anyway the car was going way over the speed limit and I saw a car pulling out of a side street, it was about to turn when the car that was speeding came and flipped it. I ran over and checked to see if anyone was alive and that's when I noticed that it was your parents. 

I called anything that I could think of the time, I really wanted to tell you but I knew that we had been in a fight that day and I knew that you would not believe me so I never told you, also your parents didn’t want you to worry because they thought that they were going to make it. We weren't actually going to leave be I knew that I had to get out of the country and when I found out that you were going on tour I knew that this would be the perfect time to leave. 

Ash I am so sorry I never wanted you to find out this way I wanted to tell you in person but I knew that you may never want to see me again after that behaviour that I showed. I also knew that you came to my place that afternoon I saw you out of the rear view mirror, I wanted to get out of the car but I couldn't I also don't want you to think that I am making this up to be your friend again. I totally understand that you may never want to see me or even hear from me ever. 

I want to say that you are my best friend in the entire world and when we met at Norwest I knew that we would be lifelong friends and when Chelsea joined the group I knew that there was something wrong and we may never keep our friendship. But when you started becoming friends with Lauren I thought that I have lost my true best friend. I did become really good friends with her but there was something missing but I could not put my finger on it anymore. 

I still remember that day that we skipped school and went down to Bondi for the day and we never got caught I still have never told my parents about that day and how scared you were to ditch school. We have been through so much together and I don't want to put this to waste I know that you may never trust me again and think that I am using you because your brother is going on tour with 1D and you know how much I love 1D and how I have always wanted to meet them.

Don't think that is the reason why I am coming back love you heaps and I hope to see sometime in the near future and good luck to Luke and the band I know they will make it far"

I could not believe what just happened did she just tell me that she was the witness for my parent’s death and she knew everything but never told me, and I was really one of her only friends even though she didn’t tell me. 

She kept blaming everything her fault when some of it was mine, I have started to think about the friendship that we had together and how perfect it was well let’s not say perfect but it was pretty close to be.

And I have let that go and I have known her to be suicidal so she could take her own life because of this, this is all my fault if none of this never happened and Luke never got famous I would still be at home living a normal life. 

My parents would not be dead and I would not have to be touring the world with people I don't know and having to do school in a different way and not having to deal with fake friends. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading now we know who this person is.

I keep saying this but it will get more interesting there is way more to come.

Thank you to everyone that has read this book I have only been writing 

For just over a year and it still feels unreal that I am getting this many reads.

I actually never thought that anyone would read my books. 

There should be a new chapter coming soon.

Happy Reading



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