Chapter 20

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Calum Point of View (Something New)

Ash and Lauren have been sick for the past couple of days and it has put a lot of stress on both Ashton and Luke. They are legally their guardians for the tour. Luke is basically the guardian for the rest of Ash life until she is 18.  

I remember it like the back of my hand when Liz and Andrew passed. It was such a bad time, Ash was just regaining her memory and this had to happened right then. We all never thought that it would happen, really who would?

We lost contact with Ash and Luke we tried calling them but it always went straight to their voice mails. I tried to go and visit them but they would never answer the door. I knew they were there because I could hear their footsteps and them whispering to each other, whether to open the door or not. 

I heard a rumour going around that they both have moved out of their parents’ house and into an apartment together, Luke sent out at tweet but I could not find it on his account anywhere. They have not mentioned that they have moved.

It’s their choice to tell us that they have moved, but I just don’t get how they moved that fast. Can it take that long to move? I also heard that it looks over Sydney Harbour Bridge, and let me say that it's not that cheap to get a place there. 

I have tried to look up and see if I can find anything that some fans might know, but I didn’t want to tweet out on the main account since they boys can see what I post. I decided that I would look further into this and have a better understanding.

It was the next day and I decided that I would just go for a walk around and see if I can spot some fans. It didn’t take long before lots of girls came, they kept asking question and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to ask them.

“Hey have you heard anything about Luke and Ash moving to an apartment?” I asked

“Yeah, it was all over twitter, they didn’t tell you?” one girl asked

“No” I said

“Well, I have heard that they have brought an apartment that looks over Sydney Harbour Bridge. It does not sound like a normal apartment but there has been rumours that they have bought a penthouse, because a few other girl have seen them, when they went shopping and they were looking a quite few expensive ones.” She said

 “But Luke once told me that they could not afford to keep the house because it was too expensive to look after, this all sounds really fishy” I said

 “Well anyway, all we know is that they have bought a place somewhere in the mist of Sydney but the location is unknown. We think that they have bought a place in the expensive part of Sydney, we know that it is quite expensive to have a view over the harbour. There a few under the millions and there are some that are even 3 million” she said

“Ok thanks, Luke now has some explaining to do” I said

I ran back to the bus and stomped onto the bus and stood right in front of Luke

“When were you going to tell me you bought an apartment?” I asked

“When we were ready?” he snapped

“And would you like to tell me where you got the money from?” I asked

“None of your bees-wax” he said

“Would you tell me where it is?” I asked

“It’s in Sydney duh” he said with sass

“You told me that you could not afford to pay for the house you lived in with your parents so you were going to sell it, but you can buy an apartment in the heart of Sydney?” I asked

“Oh, and by the way if a fan said that we bought a penthouse, it’s a total lie we were just seeing what a penthouse looks like” he said

“It was cheaper to buy a new place that could cater for both Ash and I and we didn’t have to keep paying for space that we never needed.” He snapped back

“Well maybe you could have told us?” I asked

“Well maybe you can stay out of mine and Ash business sometime we would like to have our own privacy, we would have told you when the time was right” he snapped

Luke got up and just left, that’s when I knew that I may have overreacted

“Bro that went way too far” Ashton said

“I know but I guess I was upset that they didn’t say anything” I said

I looked up and spotted that Ash was watching up, she looked between where Luke went and I. She pushed past me while bumping my shoulder in the process.

“Stay out of our business” she snapped

Great now I have both the Hemmings hating me, this is how I did not want to spend the rest of the tour. I have known Ash to get cranky when it’s the time of the month or when she has been sick and she hasn’t been able to do anything.

I go and sit on the coach and pull out my phone and open up twitter and just read about all the things that have been going on, I open up a new tweet and start writing.

@calum5sos: Hemmings I know you are mad at me all I can say is I am sorry

I send it out and in a matter of seconds everyone is asking what happened, they have seen Luke and Ash around but they seems to be in a bad mood. They think that Luke and Ash are in a fight with each other, because they have heard them yelling at each other.

Luke Point of View

“He can’t come and suddenly want an answer to why we didn’t tell him we moved” I said to Ash

“Well maybe we should have told them” She snapped

We were just walking around and talking about how we should and shouldn’t told the boys we have moved.

“Ashleigh Rose Hemmings don’t you get sassy with me” I said

“Lucas Robert Hemmings don’t you get sass with me” she said

“You know if we told them non off this would have happens it’s your fault” she said

“Mine?” I asked

“Yes, we should have told them earlier but you wanted to put it off” she said

“But you agreed with me” I said

“Don’t get me started Lucas” she said 

Great now my sister is mad with me, we have a few hours until we have to be back for sound check and Ash has just walked off into the crowd of people. Now I have to go and find my sister before something bad happens to her, that what I don’t want to happen.



thanks for reading and getting this to 5k



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