Chapter 12

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 After school, we went to the hospital to see Gabe. Unfortunately, he was asleep, so I sit in the chair next to his bed, typing up my story "Sammy, what are you doing?"

 Dean stares at me in amusement, so I sign "We have to write a book for English class."

 "You've been typing for more than three hours!" he smirks and I stare in disbelief, before checking the time. Sure enough, it's almost eight.

 Back on my screen, I look at my last paragraph "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole." a common phrase Dean screams in the impala.

 "Come on Sammy." Dean pulls on his leather jacket, which is his inheritance from John. Michael got his van. I received his switch, which now belongs to Dean, considering recent events. "How about we go to the roadhouse?" he looks to Cas, who sits on the couch "Wanna come?"

 "Harvelle's?" Michael asks from his seat, practically on top of Lucifer. Dean nods with a smile "Fuck, I'ma get a steak." he stands and pulls Lucifer up with him "Come on Luci."


 As soon as we get home, I continue writing the story. "Hey Sammy, I'm heading to bed." Dean pokes his head in and I give him a thumbs up "Night." I wave, without letting my eyes off the screen.

 I type for awhile, until Dean pokes his head back in "Morning Sammy." I frown and look at the time. 7am. "Did you even sleep?" I shake my head and rub my eyes "Well, the Novaks and Michael are coming over for breakfast." I nod and he disappears down the hall.

 It was the final chapter. I got to the final chapter. The last line I typed "Her body so beautiful, so perfect, other than the flames burning at her flesh. The woman Sam loved; dead. An agony floods through Sam's soul as he finally realizes what's happening. The same monster that's murdered his mom, has murdered his girlfriend. 'No!' he screams in dispair."

 "Sammy, breakfast!" Dean screams from downstairs, so I stoke down the stairs, laptop in hand.

 As I sit at the table, Dean puts a waffle in front of me, along with coffee. I simply continue typing "How are you Sam?" Cas asks as the sips on coffee.

 After a thumbs up, I continue typing.

 "Sam!" Mom insists "Get off the laptop and eat." I hold up a finger as I finish up another paragraph.

 "The boys stare at each other. Dean stares at Sam, not sure if he'll break into a fit of hysteria. Sam stares at Dean, like a passion for revenge has lite a fire under his ass. As if it was the most casual event for Sam, he tosses the shotgun into the trunk. He looks down at the trunk with a familiar distain. And, before he slams it shut, he utters the five words that will kick off the brother's adventures 'We've got work to do.'" Dean reads over my shoulder.

 "Oh, do you have Wyatt?" Cas asks as he shoves a waffle in his mouth and I nod. He does the same "Yeah, it took me three weeks to finish it. When did you get the assignment?"

 I smirk "Yesterday, and I'm already done." he chokes and grabs my laptop.

 "You typed 75,964 words?" I nod and he stares at me in amazement "How did you even write that much since you got the assignment?"

 I smirk "I can type up to one hundred words a minute." his eyes bulge and I take it back "I think I'm going to turn it in."

 "Don't." Castiel insists, shaking his head "I used to be his favorite because I'm the only person that turned it in that fast."

 After I roll my eyes, I email it to him "Too bad, I already turned it in." I sign to him, receiving a death glare.

 Almost instantly, it tells me he has opened the email.


 The day was long and boring. After school, I spent time with Gabe. He was his regular joking self. I was happy. But today... today was hell. This is what happened today:

 I got to Wyatt's class and he immediately started talking "Today, you will get the guidelines for your book." he passes out a pamphlet to everyone, except me "Get to work."

 "Sir?" Azazel asks "How are we supposed to finish this by Halloween?"

 He looks up with a smile "One of you have already finished." he looks to me "Sam, will you come up here please."

 When I get up to him, he turns me to face the class "Sam has already finished his, with three times the number count that I've instructed everyone else to reach."

 Horror runs through me as everyone stared at me. Wyatt smirks "I've almost read through it all, Sam." he shakes his head "It's really good." he turns his screen to me "I'm to the part where Dean snicks out of police custody."

 I frown and grab his clipboard, writing "Just wait until the last chapter. My boyfriend said it ripped his soul out. He's forcing me to continue writing the series."

 He takes it and reads it, before looking up at me "If you continue turning them in, I'll give you extra credit." I nod and head back to my desk to start on the second book.

 The class is almost over when I hear someone running down the hall. I didn't think much of it, until he skidded to a stop in front of the door.

 With his weary look, I know somethings wrong. Dean huffs and looks me straight in the eye, remorsefully "Excuse me young man, what can I help you with?" Wyatt asks.

 Dean stares at me for a second more, before turning to Wyatt, breathing heavily "I need Sam." his grip tightens around the doorframe "A family friend is hurt... he's going into surgery." he looks back to me "Gabe can't move his legs, Sam." He says softly.

 My chest goes heavy as I slam my laptop into my backpack. A weird whine escapes my lips as I think about Gabe loosing his legs. Could I really take care of him? Would he let me? "Sammy, we gotta go!" Dean hisses.

 I push myself up and immediately stumble forward, gripping the table for support. Gabe wouldn't let me stay. He'd push me away before I could even learn how to sit him in a wheelchair. "Come on, Sam! We don't have time for this!"

 My phone buzzes in my pocket and I grab it. Gabe is calling me. I quickly answer it and he speaks immediately "Hey Sam." he says, masking the fact that he's freaking out "They're giving me my hip plate replacement and I'm slightly bugging out. It might be a slightly bigger operation than what I let on... if this is the last time I speak to you..."

 I sigh and lick my lips "God damn it!" I groan "You're an asshole Gabriel Loki Novak! You'll be fine, understand me?"

 Everyone in the room goes completely silent, and I hear Gabe gasp "Geez Sam." he says sarcastically "I would think you fucking hate my guts."

 I scuff "Your spine and hips, yes. But your guts, never!" I sigh and look up at Dean "Look, I'll be there in ten minutes, just stay awake so I can see you when I get there."

 Gabe is quiet for a second, before he sighs "I'll try, but please hurry your ugly ass brother up."

 I smile "Okay, bye babe."

 "Bye." He says, before I hang up and walk over to Dean.

 He stares in disbelief. Much like the rest of the class, he's shocked by my outburst, but he frowns "Why don't you ever talk to me?"

 I smirk "You're not my daddy."

 He groans and I scuff "Okay, if I ever hear you call Gabe daddy, I'll cut your hair off in your sleep." he states as we jog out the door beside the room.

 I shrug as we run towards the impala, which is parked right outside of Wyatt's classroom "Sam slide over the hood, it'll make you look cool."

 Needless to stay, I did it flawlessly and everyone in Wyatt's classroom stares at me. Within a few seconds, I'm sitting shotgun in the impala and Metallica blares through the speakers as we drive out of the parking lot.

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