Chapter 14

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 I didn't return to school until next Tuesday. The swelling has finally gone down in my wrists and fists. The doctors announced that Gabe will be fine and he should be able to leave in a couple of weeks. Considering Cas is still avoiding Dean, we haven't seen Gabe since the night of the surgery. I really miss him.

 "Hi Sam." I look away from my laptop just long enough to see the dark brown haired girl next to me. She's quite beautiful and dressed in all black. She sighs "I'm Meg. I just transferred into this class. From what I hear, you're different from the other scumbags in this class." she tosses her head back to Azazel.

 I give a weak smile and return to my typing, until she clears her throat "What happened to your hand?"

 I pull up a new document and type "Got in a fight with a wall."

 She smiles weakly "Ouch! What did the wall do to you?" she seems so cheery, until I notice the scars that poke out of the hem of her long sleeves.

 I clear my page before typing "My boyfriend flatlined during a surgery."

 "Is he okay?" she asks worriedly and I give a nod "Gay, bi or pan?" I scuff and hold you two fingers "Really?" I nod "I saw you as a pan guy." she smirks "I'm pan."

 I return to typing and she smiles "My brother was like you." I frown and look up at her "He didn't talk and he would hurt himself for things he couldn't control."

 I turn off my computer and putting it bag, before signing "Looks like you do the same, looking at your arms."

 She bats her eyes, rapidly "Yeah, well." she clears her throat "it's been hard for the past few months." she falls at hiding her emotion, before signing "After my brother killed himself, I carried on his traditions."

 I frown and sign "Yeah, life sucks, doesn't it.l? I deal with self harm as well."

 She nods "it really does." We slip into silence, before she continues "I heard there's a kid here that murdered his own dad."

 I frown "Who told you that?" The conversation of signing has brought the attention from others in the room.

 "Some dude in my first period class." she signs "Said his mom was the dude's nurse." I scratch my forehead and she frowns "Down you know who it is?"

 I nod and pick up my phone to see a text from Gabe reading:

 Doctor says I'll get release next week. I want to see you Sam. I miss my baby boy. Please, come visit me?

 I give a weak smile to my phone and text back:

 I really want to Gabe. Dean and Cas aren't talking to each other, though. Cas kissed Dean and flipped because Dean didn't kiss back. If I can get a ride, I'll be there after school.

 When I put my phone away, Meg stares at me "So?" she asks "Who is it?" I sigh and lick my lips "Come on! I want to protect myself!"

 I think for a second. Wouldn't she tell anyone? Could I trust her? Stupidly, I pick up my phone and scroll through my photos, before finding the one I want.

 After showing her the picture, she tenses. It's me, in the hospital, a bandage over my shoulder from the knife. There's also a black eye and fingerprint bruises from where John suffocated me. But that was before Bobby jumped onto John and tried to disarm him.

 She looks at me in horror "Self-defense, right?" I give a short nod, before turning away from her and listen to music until the bell rings.


 "Sammy!" Dean screams as he runs up to me in the hallway. Once he's cought up, he smiles "Hear the good news?" I shake my head "We have a new librarian." he smirks "She's smoking hot."

 I scuff and he continues "Her name is Niome Novak and she looks like perfection."

 I sign "Will you take me to the hospital later? I want to see Gabe." he gives me a nervous look and I frown "You might have some problems with one of the neighbors, but I don't, and neither does Michael."

 "Why are you bringing up Michael?" he asks, stopping me. I shrug nonchalantly and try to continue walking "Nope." he catches up to me and pushes me down a hall nobody ever goes down; the band hall, which is closed, seeing as there's no instructor. "What Michael got to do with this?"

 I shake my head "It's nothing, Dean." He frowns and narrows his gaze in frustration "Really, it's nothing Dean."

 I start to walk away, but he grabs my arm "You're hiding something!" he states with a smirk covering his features "Just tell me!"

 Sighing in defeat, I sign "Don't tell Mom." He nods and I continue "When they originally brought Gabe in surgery? You remember that? When we sat in the cafeteria?"

 "Stop stalling Sam." He orders.

 "Well..." I sigh and look away, before looking back "Lucifer and Michael are kinda married." he stares in shock and I frown "Dean?"

 "Married?" Dean asks softly, no emotion in his features. Reluctantly I nod and he rubs his face, before rubbing his scruff "Married?" Dean asks once more, which I nod to. He rubs his eyes "Okay." He sighs "Okay." he nods, dropping his hand "Our family is fucked up."

 I nod "It really is."

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