Chapter 20

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 Do to Dean's attendance issues, he had to go to school. Do to my fainting, I stay home. Do to Gabe's hip pains, he stays home with me.

 We alternate positions. I lay with my head in his lap, then we switch.

 Currently, we sit watching a movie. He plays with my hair. My head is in his lap and he laughs at some joke in the movie.

 I smile up at him and thoughts flood my mind. The night he first discovered my self-harm; how he held me to calm me. The conversations at the hospital. The way he never wants to leave my side and vice versa. The fluttering in my heart when I'm with him.

 When he laughs again, I'm broken out of thought. After his laughter is gone, I clear my throat and bite my lip, before sighing and speaking "I love you."

 His eyes bulge, before he looks down at me in shock. I look back at the television, blush biting my cheeks.

 "Hey, look at me." despite his wish, I continue watching the movie, which has gone on commercial. He pulls my head back by the chin, using his thumb and middle finger. A sigh escapes his lips as I look at my feet "If you don't look me in the eyes, you'll getting it later." he growls quite dominately. When I shut my eyes tightly, he runs his hands through my hair "Oh baby, I'm sorry." he pleads "Please just look at me."

 Slowly, I open my eyes and he bites his lip "There are those beautiful eyes of yours." I bat my eyes at him "I love you too." he whispers.

 I blush up at him and he scoffs "Knew it since you went away."


 We freeze as the door opens. In an instant, I jump up and pull on my sweatpants. "Sam, what are you doing home?" mom asks, before frowning "Did I just walk in on something?" Gabe pulls his blanket closer around him "Are you naked?"

 Gabe clears his throat "Yes, ma'am."

 She sighs "Get dressed." she turns and picks up her bags "I'll be back in five minutes. I want answers."

 Five minutes later, I sit on the couch next to Gabe. Mom sits on the coffee table "I don't want to know about your sex life. I want to know why you're not at school."

 I look to Gabe, then down at my wrists, before extending them towards her. She looks down at them, before her breath hitchs "Damnit Sam." she shakes her head "What happened?"

 "His friend killed herself." Gabe states, before leaning forward "He spent nine days in Freedom's. Got home Saturday."

 "Why didn't your brother call me?" she holds my wrists close to her stomach.

 "He didn't want to worry you." Gabe states.

 "And why aren't you at school?" Mom asks, gripping my wrists tighter. Too tight.

 "Mom, you're hurting my wrists." I state and she laughs, releasing my wrists, apologizing. I rest my hands in my lap "I've been dizzy." I state "I've been nearly passing out from standing too long."

 She nods "Take it easy." Then she narrows her eyes "One of you has low blood pressure, the other has a fucked up pancreas, busted hips and a spaghetti noodle for a spine. I think it best you don't have sex until the both of you are able to move without falling on your asses."


 "Sammy, I'm home!" Dean screams as he steps into the house "Cover your bodies!" he jokes, before stepping into the living room.

 "Dean, would you to explain as to why you didn't call me?" Mom frowns and I turn to Gabe.

 With a point, he nods and we leave the the house. On the walk over to his house, I point to the hedge clippers and branches on the ground next to the bushes "Yeah, Lucifer has yet to finish landscaping."

 I scoff and follow him inside.


 "Sammy, are you ready to go back to school?" he asks, starting up the Impala. Gabe lays in the back, barely awake.

 I nod and we're silent the whole ride there.

 It's not until we're parked that Dean clears his throat "If you need to, text me and I'll take you home, okay?" with a nod, I climb out of the car and start towards ceramics.


 "Sam, will you come up here for a moment, please?" Wyatt asks. When I stand in front of his desk, he sighs "You didn't miss anything, and it's not my place to ask, but, what had you out of school for two weeks?"

 I take the notepad and write a simple 'Family issues'. When he takes it back, his gaze locks on my wrist and I pull it away. He gives me a pitiful look and I immediately go back to my desk.

 When the bell rings, I'm the first out of the door. Gabe meets me at Jones's door with a smile "How was class?"

 I grab his arm and pull him after me "I've been made. Wyatt knows." I state.

 "Sam, it's not that big of a deal." Gabe insists as I pull him out of A hall "Baby, you're moving too fast."

 "Hey fagbox!" Azazel pushes me sideways into the wall "Why weren't you here?" I stare at him blankly and he frowns "What, you go deaf too?" When I don't respond, he slaps me across the cheek.

 "Hey!" Gabe pushes him back "Don't you dare touch him!" He growls.

 Azazel chuckles at me, before pushing Gabe on his ass "What are you? His crippled little bitch?"

 I take him by the collar and push him into the wall "Never. Touch. My. Boyfriend. Again." I growl and he gives me an unamused look and I sneer "I killed my own father without batting an eye." his face looks of disbelief "Imagine what I can do to you." I growl, before letting him go, picking Gabe up, and walking down the hallway.

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