Chapter 17

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 "By the looks of it, this has been happening for a long time." the doctor woman states, looking at her clipboard "Scarring to the thigh and turso indicates a couple of years."

 "It started two years ago." I say rubbing my face with one hand "We caught it last month. I don't know what triggered this."

 "He seemed pretty upset after English." Gabe interjects.

 "Well..." the doctor sighs "We will need to place him in a hospital." she clears her throat "Your insurance will let Samuel into any hospital around here."

 "Freedom's." I state, immediately and she looks to me "I want him in Freedom Behavioral Hospital in Topeka." Michael argues and I sigh "I want him close to home. Not two hours away from me."

 "If that's what you want, I can call them and see if they have any openings." she states, before walking out.

 "Are you insane?" Michael hisses, but I ignore him "Freedom's is the scariest looking place I've ever seen!"

 "It's actually really nice..." I state, before clearing my throat.

 "Of course you would know!" Michael growls and I stand to walk out "Were are you going?"

 "To see my brother." I turn around to face him "Before he's shipped off to a nut house with no access to the outside world."


 "Hey Sammy." I say with a weak smile as I step into the room. He refuses to look at me as I sit on the edge of the bed "I wouldn't be able to see you for a while."

 After a minute of no answer, I continue "I don't suppose you would tell me what happened?" he just lets out a long sigh and I clear my throat "Let me guess, your hands hurt to bad to move?" he nods shortly and I clear my throat "It's be like that until they heal up."

 The doctor steps in "The orderlies from Freedom's are here. They need for you to sign a few forms before they transfer your brother."

 I pat his leg, before standing and walking towards the door. Once outside, I sign a few papers and hand it to one orderly. The second and third treat Sam as a child.

 As Sam walks out of the room, he gives me a sad look, before jumping into me and wrapping his arms around me "I'm sorry." he whispers through tears and I wrap my arms around him.

 "Don't be sorry." I say as the tears stream down my face "Just focus on getting yourself better, okay?"

 He nods and we stay there for a moment. Nobody disturbs us or makes a noise, until Sam backs up and gives me a sad look "I love you, Jerk." he whispers with a weak smile and I can't hide a scoff.

 "I love you too, bitch." I smile weakly down at him and watch as he starts down the hall in a wheel chair.


 As I walk back into the waiting room, Cas gives a weak smile "How'd it go?"

 "Well, he couldn't use his hands to sign because it hurts." I state and clear my throat "He, ah, he apologized." I sniffle and wipe my eyes "I need to get out of here."

 "I'll drive you." Cas holds up my keys. I rode in the ambulance and Cas and Gabe drove my car.

 "Let's go." I sniffle, before turning, ignoring Michael and Luci. I turn to Gabe "You coming, little man?"

 He nods and we walk out of the waiting room.

 It's not until we get home that we make a sound "You shouldn't be in that house right now." Cas insists.

 "I have work to do." I state, before getting out and looking down through the window "Just take my car until I get a chance to fix yours."

 "Do you hear yourself?" Cas asks, gripping the wheel "No, I'm going to go get some food and we're going to come back here and all three of us are going to eat." he demands "I know for a fucking fact that you haven't eaten today."

 "Fine." I frown, before leaving the car.

 Somberly, I stock up the stairs and into Sam's room, restarting the CD player to play the CD over again. After the first song starts up, I go and sit down on the foot of the bed.

 My attention gets stuck on the puddle of drying blood and the knife laying next to it.

 The next thing I know, everything that doesn't have blood on it, goes out into the hallway, leaving a blanket, the bed frame, the knife and the carpet.

  As the music plays on, I pick up the drugs knife and walk to the corner of the room.


 "Dean?" Cas asks, poking his head around the corner "What are you doing?"

 "Tomorrow, I'm going to burn this carpet." I state, finishing the job of carpet lifting "Gonna get him a new bed frame and bedding."

 He clears his throat "Why don't you go and take a shower. Get out of those bloody clothes."

 "I probably should." I sigh, starting towards the door, but he pulls me in for a hug "Cas?" I ask and he hum in recognition "What are you doing?"

 "I'm taking care of you." he whispers in my ear "You need food, you need a shower and you need someone to support you."

 "Gabe, you can sleep in mom's room. She won't be home for a few days." I sigh as I stand from the table.

 "Going to bed?" Cas asks and I nod "Gabe, you going to be good by yourself?" he also nods and Cas gives him a hug, before following me up the stairs and into my room.

 After I turn off the light, he frowns "I guess I left my light on." he shrugs, before crawling into bed.

 He watches as I drop my pants and pull off my shirt, before I crawl in next to him. Once I'm settle, I sigh "I know for a fact that you don't sleep in skinny jeans."

 He looks at me with a small smile "I do not." he clears his throat "Truth be told, I sleep in the nude."

 "Cas, I've seen you naked before." I state and he shrugs "Just, get comfortable so we can go to sleep."

 I feel his weight lift from the bed and watching him pull off his shirt and shimmy out of his pants and boxer briefs.

 When he crawls back in bed, he spoons me "Dean Winchester?" he whispers in my ear. When I hum in recognition, he kisses the back of my hand "I believe I'm in love with you."

 "Wha?" I ask, a shortness of breath as my heart skips a beat "What brought that up?"

 He scoffs "Today's been a very bad day." He whispers against my bare shoulder "I wanted to tell you because I believe you need to know."

 I scoff "You're telling me because I'm the girl at prom who got ditched."

 "Hey!" he growls and I tense up "Look at me!" slowly, I turn my head towards him "You're my Baby Doll." he whispers, his grip tightening around me "I'm not leaving you." He repositions himself on his elbow "I'm telling you because I want you to know that I'm not running away." he studders "A-and if you don't love me back, then it's fine, but you need to know!"

 "Cas?" I whisper softly and he raises an eyebrow to me "I believe I'm in love with you, too."

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