ch. 1

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Liisa's POV

It was a cold late-September noon and I hurried down the street. The band and I were supposed to meet 15 minutes ago and of course I'm late, again.

The band looked at me when I entered the studio.

''You're late, Liisa.'' Lauri told me.

''Yeah yeah, I know I know. Let's get this started." I said as I took off my coat and threw it on the couch. After hours of recording and mixing and God-knows-what, we finally took a break. The clock was 4 pm and we decided to head to the pub for dinner. The pub was only a few blocks away, but it felt like an eternity to get there. When we entered the pub, which was called Engel and were Germany-inspired, we went to our ordinary table in the back. I ordered schnitzel and fries with beer to drink and the guys took other meat meals. The time went on and we ate, laughed, talked and generally had a really good time. 2 hours later, it was time to head back to the studio. I felt so full and so tired, I almost didn't want to go back to record. When we got back, I fell back on the couch.

"C'mon, you didn't eat that much. We have to get the instrumental parts for these 2 songs done today." Max said with a little bit of whining. I rested my head on the backboard and gave him the finger. Lauri chuckled.

10 minutes had gone by when I stood in the recording room with the bass. I sat down on the bar stool that were placed by a microphone and a note stand. Max gave me a sign to start and the melody started playing in my headphones. I followed my notes and played along to the music. Everything went surprisingly well until I fucked up on 2 beats. I inhaled deeply, blocking out the swear words that were about to come out from my mouth.

''Take that again.'' I said into the mic and Max played the melody 4 beats before the part I fucked up. This time, it went better. I played the rest of the song and was reliefed I didn't make more mistakes. My tolerance was not made for this. When everything was done, we sat down and listened to the songs.

"There's something missing in the second song." Samu said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I want a violin-"

"You always want a violin." Max cut me off.

"No, wait. I think the violin could work with this." Samu said, agreeing with me. I smiled at him.

"Okay, but where should we put the violin in the song? She can't play violin and bass at the same time on stage!" Max exclaimed and pointed his whole hand at me.

"We can re-record the song, dummy! Same melody, but different instruments!" I defended myself. He gave me an annoyed glare before rolling his eyes. He then stood up from his seat and walked away.

''Remind me of why he's in the band.'' I said when he was out the room.

''Cause he's a hell of a good drummer.'' Timo answered.

''With a piss-attitude.'' I added with a sigh and stood up.

''I'm gonna take a smoke. Anyone coming with me?'' I asked and recieved shaking heads from them all. I took the cigarette package from the pocket of my coat and went out to the back of the building. I put a cig in my mouth and took a deep breathe through my nose before lightning my cigarette. Smoke came out from my mouth while I hummed on Metallica's Fade to Black. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, taking another drag.

"Life it seems to fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else..."

My enjoy of silence was disturbed when the door opened and shut. I opened my eyes and looked at the person coming my way. Max.

''I hope you're here to apologize for before.'' I said monotonously as I took another drag and blew it in his face.

''No, I'm here to take you inside. We're going to plan the re-recording of the song.'' he answered and I smiled as a triumph. I'm always getting my will through with the songs. I took one last breathe of the cig before I threw it on the ground and stomped on it. I followed Max inside with my arms crossed and walked over to the guys by the mixing table.

The plan was set after an hour. We were keeping the drums, adding the violin and one or two acoustic guitars and a little bit of piano from Timo's synth.

The clock strike 2 am when we all parted and headed home. When I entered my apartment, I took off my shoes and coat and went straight to the couch. If I knew my body as well as I thought, I was only going to sleep for 5 hours, so I had lots of time to get ready tomorrow. Without further ado, I fell asleep straight away in my clothes.


Hello!!! (<- way too excited there, Seb)

Anyways, hi!

Since my obsession with Ville Valo have escalated (oops), I decided to write a fanfic about him. English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistake. And I do not know any Finnish (cause I'm a Swede) except for moi and perkele and I can count to 5, so y'all have to imagine that _almost_ every dialouge in this story is in Finnish.
Also, the story is set in 2011 and Ville has the hair from the video to The Kiss Of Dawn.

Have a good day/evening!
-Seb x

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