ch. 2

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Liisa's POV

My senses started to wake up. I could hear the neighbour upstairs and see the light through my eyelids. Also, I could smell my sweaty clothes. I wrinkled my nose and opened my eyes slowly. I sat up wide-legged, put my elbows on my thighs as I rested my forehead against the palm of my hands. After a moment I glanced over at the clock on my wall. 8 am. Sighing, I stood up and walked over to my bathroom where I threw all my clothes off on the floor and walked out in just underwear. I put on the flannel my older brother once gave me, but I never gave it back. I didn't bother button it, just roll up the sleeves up to my elbows. My stomach started growling which meant one thing - breakfast. I lightened a cig while I made some pancakes. My mind travelled to my vinyl-player which was stationed on my kitchen counter. Some lovely tunes wouldn't sound too bad right now. One drag more of the cig and I put on D-A-D's album No fuel left for the Pilgrims. Sleeping my day Away was blasting through the speakers on the player as I sat down on my couch. I took one last blow before putting out the cig and ate my pancakes. When I was done, the last lines of Rim of Hell was playing. I put the dish in the dishwasher and sang and danced along to ZCMI, the 5th track on the album.

Beyond the end of space to the future and back
In search of solid ground to plant our flag
Yeah! We planned to build a base but the sky was too black
See I'm comin' higher'n'higher over chimneypot'n'spire!

The clock was 10 am when I stood by the mirror in my bathroom. Two green eyes observed me through the mirror as I put my hair (picture) in a messy bun and walked into the shower. The water was lukewarm, just the way I liked it. I soaped my body and washed it properly. My body wasn't curvy, my tits were barely noticiable and I had a really small bum. But I'm not super skinny, it was enough for my ribs, hips and shoulders to not peak out. Only my collarbones did that slightly.

When I was done, I dryed myself, put on some new underwear aka black boxer panties and a black bralette as usual, washed my face and brushed my teeth. My hair wasn't so much of a mess so I made my bun into a ponytail instead and I let some of the hairs around my face out of the tail. You could see all my 9 piercings in my ears with my hair up. I changed my nose piercing from a stud to a ring in the progress. On the way out, I put some moisterizer on my dry spots in my face. My legs took me to my bedroom where I pulled out today's outfit from my warderob. Black ripped jeans which were one size too big, a dark red hoodie without a zipper and I changed all my ear-piercings from black to silver ones.

''Liisa Katarina Itälä, you're looking amazing.'' I told myself in my full-body-mirror. I grabbed my phone, keys and bag and put on my black Converse before I headed out. I didn't care about the coat, the grocery store is only 5 minutes away.

Ville's POV

"Darling, when are you leaving to practice with the band?" Indra's annoying voice cut through my thoughts. I sat by the piano, trying to compose a melody to my new lyrics.

"In 2 hours." I answered quietly, but loud enough for her to hear I said something.

"What did you say?" she asked while entering the room. I had my back against her and didn't care to turn around and face her.

"In 2 hours." I said again in the same tone. I heard her steps coming towards me before I felt two arms hugging my neck from behind. She put her head on my shoulder.

"Can you go grocery shopping before you go?" she asked and kissed my cheek. I continued to play the piano and write down some notes.

"Baby?" her voice cut through my thoughts again.

"Yeah, sure." I answered and went to the hallway and put on my black Converse, my gloves that were cut off by the fingers and my beanie. Indra came into the hallway and gave me the shopping list while I kissed her goodbye before I left. I put my hands in the pockets of my open hoodie. The breeze outside was slightly chilly, but I didn't bother to zip my hoodie. I made my way to the store, which were 20 minutes away and I couldn't take the car cause, y'know, I don't have a driving license. The air was a great diversion from the trapped air in the house. I took a few deep breathes before I light a cig and placed it in my mouth. 20 minutes and 2 cigarettes later, I arrived to the store. I took a glance at the list and my eyes widened. How the fuck am I going to carry all this all the way home? I thought to myself. I sighed and took a trolley. Stupid Indra, she knows I can't take home so much cause she's the one who can drive. I stopped by a shelf and took 3 cans of soup and some packaged sauces. Suddenly, I felt a small weight hit the back of my foot. It was a package of milk. I furrowed my brows and got down to pick it up. My eyes noticed a hand that were stretching after the same package. My head went up and I met a pair of lively green eyes. The eyes' owner's face and mine were only a few inches apart. I backed away a bit to get a whole picture of their face, or her face. It was so stunning, so beautiful, I didn't have words for it. She had no makeup as I could see and it just made everything inch of her face more noticeable. Her eyes weren't as boring as Indra's blue-grey ones and her hair was on fire instead of Indra's cold blonde. She backed away too and we stood up at the same time.

"S-sorry." she stuttered, absolutely adorably. I gave her a warm smile.

"No worries." I answered as I gave her the milk package I grabbed a moment ago. She took the package and blushed.

"Thanks." she said quietly and almost ran away. I chuckled, leaving me with a smile on my face.

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