ch. 3

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Ville's POV

I looked down at the plastic bags of groceries I held in my hands. I had 3 bags and the grips looked like they were going to snap at any moment. I sighed and called a cab. No way in hell am I carrying these home. When I got home, Indra yelled at me.

''You took the cab home? Do you know how expensive they are?!'' she raised her voice after every word.

''You should have thought of that when you told me to buy so much when I can't drive!'' I yelled back.

''It's not my fault you don't have a license.'' she said annoyed and crossed her arms over her chest. I stormed out the kitchen, leaving the groceries everywhere on the floor and got into my music room. I slammed my hands on the keys and screamed right out of frustration. The picture of the girl in the store came across my mind and I calmed down a bit. Indra knocked on the door, but instead of opening it, I locked it.

''Fuck off.'' I murmured through the door and heard her feet move away into the distance. I rested my head againt the door and closed my eyes. Thank fucking God. I breathed out. I didn't even notice I had tensed up. The only thing in my mind right now was her. Who was she? Where do I find her? I needed to meet her again. A big smile came across my face when I imagined the scene from before. She was adorable when she blushed. I headed back to the piano and began to write some more before it was time to leave for the band practice.

Liisa's POV

When I got home, I slammed the door shut and my whole body sunk down to the floor with my back against the door. My groceries flew everywhere and I breathed heavily. I just saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen and I got insecure. I never got insecure in front of people, never once. But he, he had a special effect on me and I didn't know how to act. I went to my kitchen and filled a glass with water. I drank half of it and splashed the rest of it in my face. Focus Liisa! Goddammit! But I couldn't focus. His hypnotic eyes where still in my mind. Those green eyes with a tint of grey. Those lovely eyes. I crossed my arms over the counter and laid my head onto them. You lovely creature. Was I falling in love? No, I haven't been in love for years and I just met the guy for a moment in the damn store! I don't even know his name! I sighed loudly and went to lay down in my couch. Maybe some TV-watching would help me think of something else.

It didn't. For every channel I zapped through and every hour that went by, I just thought of him. The hair that stuck out from the beanie was such a cute detail and his high cheekbones made him lovlier. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I can't stand this anymore, I need to think about something else! I called the guys and told them to meet me at the studio to get the songs done. I packed my violin in my case and went there as fast as I could. When I entered the place, the guys stood up at the same time. Lauri and Timo looked at me, worried.

''Liisa, what happened?'' Timo asked. I just shook my head.

''Nothing, I just want this done and over with.'' I half-lied. I wanted to get this done, I did, but this time it was only to distract me from a certain person. The recording went well, I played my violin without major mistakes, but I was shaking a little from concentrating so hard. The guys must've suspected something 'cause suddenly I heard Samu tell me to stop through the monitors.

''Okay, what the fuck happened to you? You weren't like this yesterday.'' he said. I breathed in deeply, playing my cool on the outside. But honestly, I was so scared to tell them. This fucking effect this dude had on me, this isn't me at all.

''Just a bad dream.'' I lied and made the best fake smile I could do. The guys nodded to each other and told me to continue the recording. I did as they said and played for an hour and did some re-recording because of a few mistakes I wanted to be perfect. I didn't think of him that hour. Or the next hour the acoustic guitars were recording. Or the time recording the piano.

After everything was done, we put the instrumental parts together and played it in the speakers. It sounded better than the other the last example we did.

"I have to admit; I was wrong, this is really good. Even though it's softer than the previous rockier one." Max admitted. I smiled from ear to ear and hugged him quickly.

"Thanks for not being an ass all the time." I said and the others held their breathes. Max just laughed it off and the others breathed out again.

"Same to you." he said and made a gesture with his hand that looked like he lifted a hat from his head. We all laughed.

"Should we call it a day? Or should we put the vocals we recorded last week over the instrumental?" Lauri asked with a grin. We all agreed on adding the vocals. A moment later, my voice filled the room together with the music.

"I'll sing you a simple melody
I'll brush your tears away
I'll turn your frown into a smile
Only because i love you
And if your tears just keep on falling, I'll be here for you
Because i love you

Hey baby, won't you come inside? I got room for two..."

And that's where my thoughts about him came back.

Yooo so I got a little carried away and made Liisa a fool out of herselfffff. Kinda. I rushed this chapter and I'm sorry.
Also, that lyrics is mine and if you want to use it you have to ask me.
Ok bye.

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