ch. 13

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Liisa's POV

My heart skipped a beat when he said that.

He want to kiss me. Or did he really mean it?

I stepped aside so Ville could come in.

"Lauri and Max is on a walk with Timo. Hurry up if you want to come in, or it will get cold in here." I said nervously. He quickly stepped inside and I closed the door. When I turned around, he was leaning against the bunk beds with his hands in his jeans' front pockets.

"So.. You wanted to-"

"Kiss you." he cut me off and stepped towards me. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me gently. I kissed him back as my arms reached around his neck and my hand in his curls. His hands were finding my waist, cutting off the kiss and embraced me in a hug. He kissed my cheek and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for that, sweetheart." he apologized and hugged me tighter. My heart was skipping several beats this time.

Him saying sweetheart in that voice made me go insane on the inside.

''Don't be.'' I hugged him back, I just wanted to stay like this for a long long time. But suddenly, my phone went off. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have to take it." I let go of Ville and went to answer it. I didn't recognise the number on the screen. I pressed the green button and directly recognised the voice.

"Hi sis."

"Levi!" I almost screamed into the phone.

"Damn, calm down. You don't have to make me fucking deaf." he laughed.

''Uhm, Levi? Can I call you in a bit? I'm kinda busy.'' I said and glanced at Ville's direction. He gave me a sweet smile.

''Uh sure. Make sure to call me back within the hour though, I'm going to sleep soon.'' he answered and it made me realise how late it actually was.

''Yeah, I'll call you in a bit. Bye, love you.''

''Love you too.'' and then he clicked. When I turned to Ville, he gave me a weird look.

''That was my brother.'' I said, he nodded and went back to his sweet smile. Suddenly, I saw all 4 of my guys come towards the bus through the windows. I widened my eyes.

''Vittu! Ville, you need to leave, quickly!'' I exclaimed and he turned around to see them too. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before he almost ran out of the bus. The guys came into the bus about one or two minutes after Ville left. They didn't talk to me when they came inside, they all went straight to bed. I sighed and decided to put Levi's number in my phone before calling him again. But all I could think about was Ville.

''Hello Liisa.''

''Hi again. Sorry about before.'' I apologised.

''It's okay. It was late night band-stuff, right?''

I thought about Ville.

''Yeah it was. By the way, are you coming home for Christmas?''

Ville's POV

When I got back into our own bus, Linde was brushing his teeth. He waved at me when he saw me and then spit out the foam.

"Welcome back." he just said before going to the bunks. I just nodded as a response and sat down on the sofa. I leaned my head back and replayed the scenario in my head. I got a big smile on my face and put my hands on my head.

I kissed her finally.

God, I love her already.

I felt so ridicolously in love with her. Like everything was falling into place whenever she was around. Like if everything made sense. It's Liisa I wanna be with, not Indra. Ugh, why haven't I broken up with that bitch yet? Speak of the devil, guess who just texted me..

I: Are you coming home soon or what?

V: It's a tour, not a one-night-gig

I: You could've said that


I: Fuck you

I turned my phone off and threw it to the other side of the sofa. I don't wanna deal with her bullshit anymore. As soon I get home again, she's OUT of my tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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