ch. 11

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Liisa's POV

My legs stopped shaking after the first two songs. I started to feel a bit more confident and with that, I moved my body some more. The whole was cheering the whole time and I hope for their own sake that their throats won't hurt like hell tomorrow. I looked over my shoulder to find Ville staring at me behind the curtain to backstage. He had one arm over his chest and his hand covered his mouth. I smiled at him and then winked. Even in this poor lightning, I saw him blush like a tomato. I looked back at the crowd when I noticed them cheering like crazy. I think they saw that.

The performance went on smoothly and I brought out my violin for the last song.

"So guys, everything good always comes to an end, this is the last song for us. This is called Hundred years." I gave them a heartwarming smile and put my violin on my shoulder and started playing. Samu tuned in on the acoustic guitar after a few lines and then Timo tunes in on the keyboard. It all felt magical when I sang, the lyrics just flowed out of my mouth.


I never thought that a crowd could scream so much as they did when HIM entered the stage. They will definitely have sore throats tomorrow. I had decided to watch Ville from back stage, just as he did when we were playing.

He chuckled into the microphone and had a big grin.

''Hello, sweethearts.'' he said in a deep voice and the crowd screamed even more. Oh my, may every God have mercy on their voices.

''We want to start this show by thanking Ad Astra for being our support for this tour.'' he began and clapped his hands in the air. He then lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke while Gas hit the drums lightly and Emerson played long notes.

''This one's Your Sweet 666.'' he spoke into the mic, spun around away from it and the guys started to play.

There are things you should know
The distance between us seems to grow


Boring ass filler, I'm so sorry

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