ch. 12

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Liisa's POV

Swaying hips.
Seducing dance.
Low voice.
Unbuttoned shirt.

That's what he was all about the whole set. I lost my mind watching him

Fuck, that man's hotter than fire.

I actually had to cover my hand over my mouth trying not to drool. He had this aura around him that I hadn't felt present while we ususally talked. And it was fucking hypnotyzing.

Timo and Lauri must've seen how I behaved because  they suddenly grabbed me and lead me further backstage and gave me a bottle of beer. Lauri left to talk with Max, but Timo stayed with me.

''Shit, Liisa. You're really in love with him, aren't you?'' he asked and put his hands my shoulders. I sighed and drank some of the beer.

''Yeah. I didn't even have this much of a crush on Pihla when I met her.'' I put both of my hands around the bottle. His eyes widened.

''And we all now how big that crush was. Jesus Christ, Liisa, what are we gonna do about this?''

''I don't know, Timo. I just want a hug right now to be honest.'' I said quietly and he hugged me tightly around my shoulders. I hugged him back around his waist. He stroke his hands over my hair.

''You haven't told the guys about this, right?'' I asked him as quietly as I talked before.

''I won't if you don't want to.'' he responded as I quickly shook my head. I did feel like a teenager again, especially now when I'm so ridiculously in love with Ville. It felt like the moment I met Pihla for the first time outside school. I mentally slapped myself. I shouldn't be thinking about my ex-girlfriend, Ville was the one I wanted now. My feelings for him grows for every minute I spend thinking about him and my mind would unexpectedly bring up my memories from the time he stayed the night at my place. His touch was so gentle and comforting and I could be in his arms forever. Until I fell out of the couch. I started giggling at the memory and Timo just looked down at me before he released me from his embrace.

"Will you be okay?" he asked as I nodded and went away with my beer, still in my hand.


The show was over, the venue was empty and we were wrapping up our last equipment. I had just put my violin into my case when I felt 2 hands fall on my shoulders. I shrieked and turned quickly around to find Lauri laughing hysterically.

"You dumb shit!" I exclaimed and put my hands on my hips. His laughter started to fade out, but he still had a big grin on his face. I smiled a bit too and giggled.

"Oh, Lauri. Look at us, first show on a new tour." I smiled even more. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Well, 14-year-old Liisa and Lauri would be speechless right now." he said and started to lean us side to side. He then leaned down to my ear.

"You're not acting like your usual self. What's going on? And don't lie to me." he whispered.

I forgot how well he knows me. Well, shit.

Ville's POV

I was hanging out with Samu and Mige in our tour bus. Samu and Mige was talking about old Finnish music and I just let my mind wander off to think about Liisa. I've finally let myself realize that I'm head over heels for this girl. I'd even let her rip out a piece of my hair and I wouldn't be mad at her. I couldn't be mad at her.

Mige was snapping his fingers in front of my face and I could feel my body jump a little. They chuckled and I kinda blushed?

"Why are you blushing so suddenly?" Mige asked. What am I supposed to say?

"Ehh.. I'm just ashamed that I jumped." I lied. They shrugged and continued talking. I wanted to see Liisa, I know she's in the other bus next to ours. God, this is driving me nuts.

"I'm going out for some air." I said as I almost stumbled out of the bus. I quickly walked around our bus until I saw hers. My heart started to beat fast when I saw her ginger hair through one of the windows. Okay Ville, don't make this weird. I started to walk in my regular pace in the snow towards the bus and stopped outside the door. My stomach felt twisted as I took a deep breathe before I knocked on the door. It didn't take long before the door opened and Liisa showed up on the last step. She had her hair in braids and a over-sized Metallica t-shirt that went down to half her thighs. I didn't noticed that I had stared at her legs for too long until she coughed to get my attention.

"Ville, it's rude to stare." she said with a cheeky smile when we made eye contact.

"Are you alone?" I asked quickly. She crossed her arms.

"Depends on what you want?" she leaned against the bus door.

"Kiss you."

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