ch. 4

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Liisa's POV

The day became late evening before we all got home. When I opened the door, I saw all the groceries from before laying on the floor. I sighed, took off my Converse and started to pick up everything. Milk and yoghurt into the fridge, bread into the pantry and the rest into the cupboard above the dishwasher. I went out to my balcony, lighted a cigarette, took a few drag and put it out after a while. I wonder if he lives in a apartment or in a house? I shook my head at the thought. That's stalker thoughts, you creep. I went inside and got myself ready for bed. After about 30 minutes, I was asleep.

Ville's POV

I had been gone the whole day. The clock was about 11 pm when I stepped my foot into the household. Indra greeted me when she was on her way out. She had a button down shirt that were open by 3 buttons, a mini skirt and big high heels.

"Where are you going?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"I'm going out with Iris and Enni." she answered and blink her eyes at me. The eyelashes were literally spider legs because she had put so much mascara on. And she smelled like MY alcohol.

"Didn't know you had to look like that to meet them. And have you been in my drinking cabinet again?" I said back. She slapped me.

"Shut the fuck up." she said and slammed the door on her way out. I sighed and laid down on the couch. I put my hand over my cheek where Indra slapped me. Why does it have to be like this? Why does she have to be like this? I didn't like Indra anymore. She changed a few months back and started getting all psycho on me. It's been glasses thrown against the wall behind me, screaming and yelling, slapping me. But I didn't care about it anymore, I'm getting used to it.

I lit a cigarette and took a few drags, laying there on the couch, before I put it out. The girl came up in my head again. I wonder what she does at this moment? Work? Sleep? Meeting friends? Meeting her partner? My heart sunk at the last thought and I shook my head. You don't know her, Ville. You can't control it. With the darker thoughts in the back of my head, I fell asleep on the couch. Just like many nights before.


I don't know how long I slept, but I was woken up by having Indra sleeping on me. I groaned and pushed her gently off me onto the couch under us. Just because I didn't like her anymore, doesn't mean I won't still show her some respect. I made some coffee as breakfast and enjoyed the silence of Indra being asleep. Goddamn, I can't stand the woman. My eyes wandered to the clock on the wall. 5.23 am. I drank up my coffee, put on my outwear clothes and went for a walk. It was still dark outside and the lamps did its work and light up my path. I started humming.

"She'll be right here in my arms, so in love.
She'll be right here in my arms, she can't let go."

I really started wondering about this mysterious girl. Who was she? Where was she? A tourist or a citizen? My head started to spin. I really needed to see her again. But chances are, I might not see her ever again.

I started walking towards the household again. The cold air hit my cheeks lightly. As soon as I stepped inside the door, my phone on the coffee table went off. I hurried over and declined it so it wouldn't wake Indra up. I didn't want to hear her stupid voice. My feet took my upstairs and I locked the bathroom door behind me. The screen lit up again and showed a text from my friend Samu.

S: Hey, you up? You didn't answer my call.

V: Didn't want to wake Indra up. So yeah, I'm up, why?

S: I'm at the band's studio, making some small touches on one of our new songs. You really need to come and hear this. It's not like our usual sound.

V: Alright, I'm coming. Have you been there all night?

S: I got here a moment ago. And thanks dude, you're the best.

V: I know.

I chuckled when I sent the last text. I'm not the best, but Samu always insists so I just go with it. Since I didn't take off my outwear from before, I walked quietly downstairs and found Indra still sleeping on the couch. Snoring, and in a new position. I sighed and went out the door. The same cold air hit me again and I pulled my beanie further down. After 30 minutes of walking, I got to Samu's studio. He sat by the mixing table and had his big headset on. I laid my hand on his shoulder and he jumped like 6 feet. I started laughing hysterically while he took off his headset in shock.

"You should have seen yourself!" I exclaimed, not stopping the laughter.

"Oh my god man, don't scare me like that. I swear I'm gonna have a heart attack because of you someday." he chuckled. My breathing started to go back to normal. Samu explained the concept of the song and got really excited. He really loves working with music, you can tell from a distance. He took out the headset from the mixing table and started playing the song in the speakers on the sides. The instrumental parts were beautiful, the violin made the song complete and the singer's voice was so sweet and harmonic.

"Man, I love her voice. What's her name?" I asked while I rested my arm on the backboard of my chair and put my leg over the other.

"Her name is Liisa. She's the singer and bassist in the band and she also plays the violin." Samu answered.

"Ooh a multiplayer, just like me." I said with a grin. He laughed a little.

"Yeah Ville, just like you. Hey, by the way, you're going on a European tour soon, right?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. He leaned back in his chair as he waited for a response.

"Uh yeah, in about a month. Why? You wanna join?" I said and now it's my turn to raise my eyebrow. He swallowed and nodded.

"The album is done and released in 2 weeks and we haven't gotten an answer from any other band who release their albums at the same time as us. We're in a pretty tangled situation here. Even our manager have even contacted bands from England, Norway and Iceland, but they already have their lineups done. I only ask if it's not too much to ask for, if it is then we can forget this conversation." he explained. I bit my inner cheeks. It's wasn't my thing to decide. I mean, I would LOVE to have Samu and his crew with us, but I needed to check with my band.

"Okay Samu, let's do it like this; I'm gathering the guys and our manager and I'll talk with them. I'll get you an answer by the end of the week, okay?" I said as I leaned forward. Samu got a huge smile on his face. He rushed over to me and hugged me in a way that made us both stand up.

"Thank you, Ville! I knew you were the best!" he exclaimed with joy.

"Hey hey hey, don't thank me yet, I haven't done it yet." I chuckled. He let go off me and we laughed for a moment before we headed out for a smoke.

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